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After a year and a half of absolute torture I am now a Master Bodyworker. (oh brother) Do you have any problems you need help with? LOL

Maybe I should take this degree and use it for S & M.

Posted - May 18, 2017


  • 1540
    Hardly know what that is; just hopped over here to congratulate you either way!
      May 18, 2017 10:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Well, thanks for your kudos.  I, like yourself, have been in school for what seems like forever since I had to do it and run my regular life in the meantime.  I mean we are no longer in high school or even college where you get to study and be pretty enmeshed in student life.  No.  I am in student life for half the time and real life the rest of the time.  Studying was torture, when I had time.   And I had to bring it because when you are massaging a person, you have a person on the table that already knows what you are doing and if you screw up they can tell.

    It is very very uncomfortable when you are trying to learn and you are always BEHIND.  That was my situation.  Then I went on to get a Master's Degree so I could be sure I was above the cut when I go out to get an actual job in this industry and it was WORSE than the entire year prior.  I had 10 weeks of what we learned in a year but instead of having 6 months to advance, I had 10 weeks of intense Kineseology, Orthopedic Assessment, Myokinetics and about 5 other modalities in massage to learn.

    I mean it sucked.   I don't even know if I want to do this after all that.  They made me hate this career and I have not even begun. 

    I need a rest.  God I am 66 1/2 for godsakes. 

    Hi Danillo.

    How YOU doin?
      May 18, 2017 11:03 AM MDT

  • 1540
    All the more kudos, then, for sticking it out. I actually graduated too, last summer, and I can recognize a lot of what you're saying. Many professors--including academically highly capable ones--turned me away from literature when I saw how even the best-formulated interpretations were often nothing but empty theoretical circlings; but what really reinvigorated me afterwards was getting back into the art purely on its own terms, while now making personalized, somewhat subverted use of the strict and formal techniques I could hardly tolerate while in college. That would be my advice, as usual: take it easy, distance yourself in order to regain perspective, and get back into it with a level head all the wiser. Sooner or later, you'll be reminded of why you wanted to do this in the first place, and that's the most important outlook.

    So Old School and you are roommates now--glad to hear that it has made things easier, and surely more cheerful; please send him my best wishes as well!
      May 19, 2017 11:05 AM MDT

  • 23842
      May 18, 2017 11:51 AM MDT

  • Can I sign up for a daily massage? :P
      May 18, 2017 11:04 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I can certainly show you what you need IN a massage by internet.    I cannot physically put hands on you, but I have recieved a Reiki attunement so if you are open, I can send you energy healing. 

    I can find out what hurts and tell you how to find relief.  I can also view you if you want to send me a video and send you my assessment.  It would be fun.  (free of course)

    If you want, take a picture in clothing that would make it easy to see your body, like shorts or swim trunks and stand up straight and I can tell you what you need to do.

    Give me a front, side and back. 

    I measure from the picture what is not aligned.  The ankles should align with the greater trochanter and the humerus and the ear canal.  If you are not aligned, you may have a an anterior or posterior drag.  We start from there.

    The side view is best for that

    Then I look at your back and see how the ankles are turned in or out, I look at the scapula and see if both sides match and I look at the top of the shoulders and see if they are level and finally, I look at the cervical region and the cranium. 

    Posture is everything in this study.
      May 18, 2017 11:09 AM MDT

  • I'd honestly be kind of worried to see what's wrong with me...I can imagine myself being all out of alignment, being in the mediocre shape that I am. 
      May 18, 2017 12:03 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Ha ha.  Nevan, it is nothing like that.  We all go through this when broached with the possibility of being examined in this situation.   I had to stand up in front of a class of young people and I am 66, in shorts and a sports bra.  It was not so bad.  I was in far better shape than people half my age.

    Just because you are 20 does not mean you are not obese, for instance.  Just because you are 20 does not mean that you have ever worked out in your life.  It shows.

    But, when you are 50 and you have not worked out or done anything healthy, then it really SHOWS.

    So, it is better to correct and see how simple it actually is to do, than go on and think you are less than perfect and no one can see or you will die of embarrassment.

    No.  All we look at is what is tilting the wrong way and tell you how to repattern by exercise mostly.   You can get massages by a reputable person and when you learn the absolute value of not having to pay thousands in doctor bills or surgery in the future, you may be more  anxious to comply.  It is enjoyable and and it the best avenue to a healthy longevity that I have seen so far.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at May 19, 2017 10:56 AM MDT
      May 18, 2017 12:08 PM MDT

  • 23842
    I ditto Danilo_G's answer!

    And, I guess, Nevan B's, too!

    I read both of their and your threads - - interesting, cool!
      May 18, 2017 11:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Hi Sweet Welby,

    Long time no talk to you, but as you can see, I have not talked with too many people in the last 5  months or so.

    Old School is my roommate now and that helps a lot with the work around here and he is really a super nice guy.

    So, that took a lot of the load of keeping my life in order by his helping me with all the little things a person needs to do while trying to devote life to studying and struggling.

    Yeay Old School!!!!
      May 18, 2017 12:00 PM MDT

  • 23842

    Tell him I said Hi!
      May 18, 2017 12:03 PM MDT

  • 46117
      May 18, 2017 12:11 PM MDT

  • 17660
    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Sharonna.  I've missed you being around here.  Are you completely finished with school and boards now?
      May 18, 2017 1:14 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Hi Thrifty! 

    I have missed you as well and I am ALMOST finished.  I have opted to waive my first chance at my finals because I had to cram 5 courses at the same time that were so hard, I cannot believe I was supposed to do this.  I cannot believe they expected me to just sail through this.  No one does, so why don't they make it possible to succeed without making you ill from no sleep and no sanity?  It was hard enough going through this for a year in Phoenix to get my regular degree, but then opted to take another 10 week course in Tempe that is this Masters program.  10 weeks of total hell. 

    I'll never know why they make people in the health professions suffer with this nonsense.   I think they all want wounded healers so we have compassion.  Now I know why only 5 people were in this course.  Only 3 made it. 

    It was HORRIFIC. LOL

    I still have to do 2 hands-on finals and 3 written exams.  One of which I already took and was so exhausted after cramming 10 weeks of crappola into one night, I flunked it.

    BAD.  I was too damned tired to even answer essay questions I knew the answers to.

    So, after that travesty, I said SCREW IT.  I am going to do this MY way.  So I am finishing next week.  I know I can pass everything if I just have a few days to actually sleep and read and practice.

    Old School is living here with me and he is providing me with a body to work on.  That helped immeasurably. 

    I don't have to worry about coming home and forgetting what I've learned if I can practice it afterwords.  But?  Usually I have been too darned tired to even do it.  Tempe is about 45 minutes from Sun City in theory.  But because of the traffic and the time school opens, I am forced to get up (get this) 2 hours earlier than I have to just to get there at 9 o'clock.  So I have to get up around 4 to get there at 9.  I have to study and then drive there and stay until 5:30 and spend another 2 hours getting home in the same stinking traffic. 

    That was harder than the first year of school which was insanely HARD.   

    Never think that a massage therapist just puts lotion on someone and charges for an hour.  It is amazingly difficult if you want to be good at it.

    But, you went to law school, so I am preaching to the choir!!!! LOL This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at May 20, 2017 10:23 AM MDT
      May 18, 2017 1:26 PM MDT

  • 17660
    It all sounds hellish to me.  I'm through with formal education even though I love school and will take a class here and there just for fun and enrichment.  I'm proud of you and hope you are proud of this accomplishment.  It's huge.  And I hope you can work in whatever way you want to.  I know some go to people's homes, some are in medical offices and some in private practice situations.  I haven't been coming here so much myself and I haven't seen old school either.  You must have him tied up in the basement.    Take care and don't lose touch.....................

      May 18, 2017 11:30 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Old School was banned from here.  It seems he said something to you that really ticked off the rest of this site or something. 

    I heard what he said and I am taking your side.    I'm his friend and I am your friend but you don't attack members.  You don't attack anyone and he should not either. 

    Oh well. 

      May 22, 2017 10:51 AM MDT

  • 17660
    I didn't know any of that.

    I'll be thinking about you as you finish up your degree and study and prepare for licensure.  I don't know what all is involved but involved is what I would imagine.   You've gone through a lot since I first knew you on AB; I have too.   I think that means we are still out there living life our own way.   One day I'm going to ask your opinion about a back issue.  Not today though.  :)
      May 22, 2017 2:45 PM MDT

  • 44765
    Congrats to you,  Sharonna my friend. My lower lumbar looks like a war-zone. The docs won't do surgery and the chiropractor gave up. I looked into the laser spine institute down there in Tempe, but my insurance will only cover a small amount and I don't have a spare $15,000. 
      May 18, 2017 2:12 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Alas, dear Element.   I have no answer to someone who needs surgery as badly as you do.  You need surgery.  I pray some avenue opens up where you can get relief. 

    Much love and prayers to you always.

      May 22, 2017 10:52 AM MDT

  • 35073
    Good for you, and glad to see you back. 
      May 18, 2017 6:05 PM MDT

  • 46117
    So sweet of you, My 2.  Thank you.  I will try and be around.  I will try my best.  Good to hear from you  as well.
      May 22, 2017 10:53 AM MDT

  • 22891
    yes, you can help me get a job if you want since i cant find one
      May 18, 2017 9:23 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh gosh, not again, Pearl.   I really wish I could think of something. 
      May 22, 2017 10:54 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i didnt quit that job, i think they quit me cause i was short but i cant prove it
      May 22, 2017 11:00 AM MDT