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So where does the Morning Star get its money from?

The British newspaper The Morning Star (formerly known as the Daily Worker) used to be the official organ of the Communist Party. In those days, it was funded by Moscow gold, in a manner so secretive that many high up in the party didn't know about it. Today, it calls itself the organ of the Labour Party. It claims to be funded as a co-operative, by its readers. In an age when mainstream newspapers are fighting for survival, (some have gone to the wall already), I find it hard to believe that the Morning Star is surviving funded by the few people who read it. So, the question is, who's funny money is behind the Morning Star today?
Note 1. I don't expect anyone to be able to tell me.
Note 2. There were two communist parties. The organ of the other, the Communist Party of Great Britain, was Marxism Today.

Posted - May 22, 2017


  • 6477
    My answer is almost entirely irrelevant but I thought I would share my morning star story.. when I was at school, I studied sociology, (I was always interested in people and why they do the things they do) and we were asked in less, what newspaper do you read.. I think the idea was, understandably, that one's choice of paper can indicate one's class and background as well as their political leanings... so... everyone said theirs.. and i said.. 'The Star' now I should add that that was NOT the Morning Star, I'd never even heard of that.. but it was THE Star, which at the time was a very new newspaper that had just started up.. SO my teacher assumed I was a communist! The mistake was soon cleared up.. but that's my Morning Star story.. and it's how I first learned that there even was a communist paper.

    Interestingly, and again slightly off tangent... I read recently, when researching political leanings of other newspapers here.. that one of our fairly big papers is owned by a Russian company... 

    If it helps I read the Times.. and I do so because generally speaking they present both sides of the debate..
      May 22, 2017 8:52 AM MDT

  • 739
    I love your story! I haven't read a print newspaper in years. Most of my news comes from the BBC, who I trust to be largely objective. I used to read the Times on line quite a bit, then they started charging for some content, so I go to them less often now.
      May 26, 2017 8:29 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Times and BBC for me too :)
      May 26, 2017 9:03 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i have no idea
      May 22, 2017 4:44 PM MDT