Discussion » Questions » Politics » Trump detractors always use his style against him in criticisms of him. They never address actual accomplishments that have been made while

Trump detractors always use his style against him in criticisms of him. They never address actual accomplishments that have been made while

in office. Is it because they won't?

Posted - May 23, 2017


  • 10052
    I watched a very informative documentary about the BP disaster and it's aftermath. It has now been proven in court that this tragedy was a result of years of cutting corners, which is why BP and others have had to pay billions in punitive damages. Corporate greed is truly the root of the problem, in my opinion. I think that pipelines could be much safer, were it not for corporate greed. 

    Have you heard about utility companies forcing people to sell the energy that their own solar panels have generated to the utility company and then buy it back at a much higher rate? It's outrageous and another example of corporate greed. Also, if people are able to produce their own energy via the sun or wind, they can use this energy to fuel their vehicles, cutting back dependency on oil products. But corporations don't want this. Corporate America does not want everyday people to be prosperous. They only want themselves to be prosperous. It's everything that is wrong with this country. 
      May 26, 2017 11:53 PM MDT

  • 34948
    They should be keeping up with their equipment. If they don't then they should have to pay the fines. This something the EPA should be on top of, they should catch the oil company cutting corners before the equipment failure. But they are usually to busy with stupid piddly stuff... like I mentioned above. 
    As far as the electric company goes, I have no problem with them buying making a profit on the product.  They are a business and that is how it works.
    If people want to use solar/wind etc more power to them. But it is not just greedy corporate who stands in the way of many renewable energy sources. I have seen people who prevented wind farms because it would mess up their view (I believe Ted Kennedy was part of that group) and others who oppose because it is supposed to effects the birds migration. 
      May 27, 2017 4:19 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Since the new EPA director was/is in bed with big oil, it's unlikely that we're going to see improvement in safety regulations. More safety regulations=decreased profits. Try to wrap your head around the concept of a company who can afford to pay more than $20 BILLION in damages and still be in business. Mind boggling, isn't it? 

    I agree that profit should be made. The home/business owner who purchases and installs panels to harness the energy should be making the profit, though, right? Why should a corporation who did absolutely nothing make a profit? Surely that's unamerican and anti-capitalist, no? 

    I haven't heard anything about Ted Kennedy (he's dead) and wind farms, but I think all of us know about Trump's feelings on them. His hatred of them appears to have begun when he was building his golf course in Scotland and like you mentioned, he thinks they're ugly. He took his case to the UK's supreme court, and lost. 


    "It’s true that wind turbines account for the deaths of between 140,000 and 368,000 birds annually. But that figure pales in comparison to the number of birds killed by cell towers (6.8 million) and glass building collisions (up to one billion) each year. And the biggest bird killer of all? Cats, which kill up to 3.7 billion birds annually."

      May 27, 2017 10:18 AM MDT

  • 22891
    not sure why
      May 23, 2017 3:27 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I mean this kindly.. but what achievements would those be? Irritating half the world, lying to the masses and to the rest of the world? I despise him primarily for his utter lack of class.. it makes me feel sick.. but that's just first on the list of the many reasons I dislike him.. he is ignorant, he seems to lack intelligence, which I find scary given his position, he lies, he has behaved in a totally hypocritical way - saying things then totally reversing them and saying he didn't say them when the evidence from his own tweets is he did, I hate the way he doesn't act like a gentleman - pushing Melania out the way and leaving her to walk on her own up the steps, I don't like the way he spouts hateful nonsense about the wall, I don't like the two faced way he has behaved re Britain, I am concerned about the many, many business failures and the bad decisions he made as a businessman, I am concerned about his business practices which have resulted in many lawsuits, and really the list goes on and on..
    From what I see all he has achieved is a load of ranting that just made him look foolish and unprofessional, and a whole heap of vacations in Florida.. oh and he's managed to cost the country a pretty penny with all those trips too.. 

    In saying this I do appreciate you won't like it and it will be the opposite of what you believe.. but may I request in advance please that you reply respectfully and bear in mind that in any of this i have not insulted you personally in any way so would ask the same even though I appreciate you will disagree with what I say.. I do think it doesn't much matter what we think.. we can both think as we please and we can both express that freely, or we should be able to... time and history will tell 
      May 23, 2017 3:29 PM MDT

  • 3375
    Those of us that don't support this president cannot see his accomplishments because he hasn't done anything to change the lives of most of us for the better.  It is just that simple.  

    Others here have outlined what he is doing that is a total detriment to the lives of millions.  Just the slashing he plans for very needed social programs is a DISGRACE!  This will affect WORKING class people, not just the poor.  

    I'm actually shocked anyone can still support this man.  

      May 23, 2017 8:27 PM MDT