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Are you happy that you had the parents you did? Are you happy with your kids? Are they happy with you? How do you KNOW?

Posted - May 26, 2017


  • 6477
    My answer re my parents would be very painful to tell.. abuse of all kinds, useless parenting... so no not happy but would I change it? I don't know.. because it's made me who I am today.. I am, (lol believe it or not) a way more compassionate person for all that I have suffered, it's where i get my fire against injustice... so I don't think I would change it... tho there's bad stuff along with it too... 

    Kids,... hmm I adore my younger son and my daughter, they are the light of my life.. lol even tho if I had my time again I would never have kids... so no, I wouldnt change them, I'd kill for them and die for them.. that includes my older son who I love but who is very, very difficult.. He has Aspergers and untreated ADHD and OCD.. it's not nice to live with and it causes many problems and heartaches for me... but that said, I love him to bits and always will.. 
      May 26, 2017 2:57 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ooh just to add, as I didn't answer fully.. I KNOW my kids, well apart from the older one, are happy cos they said so.. my younger son and I once had a convo.. he had a friend who had a rich dad, they own a posh historic house in my village.. and they have an annexe in their garden, that they converted for their son to live in.. kinda cool, he has his own *pad*.. I asked my son if he didn't regret that his parents weren't rich.. He said, that we had given him everything he needed and he was happy 

      May 27, 2017 2:47 AM MDT

  • 16632
    Parents - emotionally and spiritually, definitely. Their guidance, love and self-sacrifice was a shining beacon and example. Physically, not so much - I inherited my mother's congenital degenerative spinal condition, which is why the disc collapsed.
    Kids - they and my better half are my world. I'm not merely happy, I'm proud as well. Both are well-adjusted adults now, making their own way. Neither is in serious trouble and my son is a loving dad in his own right. My daughter is a stepmother-to-be (her fiance has a daughter by a previous relationship), and loves her stepdaughter as her own.
    They're happy with me - not only have they both told me so often enough, but they're following my example which they wouldn't do if they thought I'd done a lousy job.
      May 26, 2017 4:03 PM MDT

  • 22891
    to be honest  i think i wouldve been better off raised by other parents, ive never had kids myself
      May 26, 2017 4:52 PM MDT

  • 6988
    My father was not a great father at all. However, his involvement in WW2 combat coulda screwed up his mind a bit.  My mother passed on a high I.Q. to some of her decendents. (not sure which ones)  My own son comes over to spend Saturdays with me.  
      May 26, 2017 7:53 PM MDT

  • I pathologically hate my father.
      May 26, 2017 8:01 PM MDT