Discussion » Questions » Books and Literature » Have you ever fallen in love with a character from a book? Who was it? What was it about them?

Have you ever fallen in love with a character from a book? Who was it? What was it about them?


Posted - June 24, 2016


  • 7939

    When I was around 10-12, I read a romance novel about time travel. I have no idea what it was called anymore, but I seem to recall it being an awful lot like the movie "Somewhere in Time." There's something about the notion that a person would go to such great lengths to be with the one they love that's pretty amazing. *sigh*

      June 24, 2016 10:26 PM MDT

  • 6988

     Miss September, 1967. Hehehehe! 

      June 24, 2016 11:02 PM MDT

  • 676

    Yes,  I love all the characters from The Accidental Tourist.

    I love the way the characters are portrayed and I like the way the book was written.

      June 25, 2016 12:34 AM MDT

  • 221

    I agree! I love Anne Tyler characters. 

      June 25, 2016 12:35 AM MDT

  • 676

    I´ve never read that book in English. I have a copy in Spanish.  I want to get the one in English and see if there´s a difference with the translation. Whoever did it, did a good job,  It´s a lovely book in any language.

      June 25, 2016 12:45 AM MDT

  • 103
    Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. Hermione is fierce and Luna is quirky and loving. I know I've been influenced by the movies and the actresses who played them, but I loved them when I read the books too. :)
      June 25, 2016 6:04 AM MDT

  • 22891

    not yet

      June 25, 2016 6:34 PM MDT

  • 23849

    'Rowf' and 'Snitter'

     -- the two dogs in Richard Adams' "The Plague Dogs"

    As much as I liked Adams' "Watership Down" (and the famous movie), his "The Plague Dogs" (and seemingly less-well-known movie) were much more powerful and soul grabbing for me.

    I recommend the book and movie -- and even if you disagree with me, anyone could see why I fell in love with Rowf and Snitter.

    (I don't want to plot spoil by giving my reasons for being drawn to the characters/book/plot/movie.)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at March 3, 2022 6:54 PM MST
      March 3, 2022 6:53 PM MST