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Why do you think Prince Charles writes so many letters to politicians?

Son's new acquisition, a kit-car jeep broke down 10 miles down the road lol so we were stranded for hours at a service station. I expect the illuminati were responsible to be honest as they didn't want me to get home in time to ask a question :P 
Anyway, I bought the Mail, which my son described as a 'hate paper' -well, it was an eye opener that's for sure, but it had an article about Prince William..and whether, like his father, he intends to write letters to politicians.. Prince Charles is well known and deeply criticised for his outspoken almost political beliefs on the environment, architecture, religious tolerance, and organic gardening. He is criticised because a Royal is NOT supposed to offer their opinion OR try to influence government..  Prince William said he already does write to pols lol.. 

But that brings me back to Prince CHarles.. sooooo if his mummy is Queen, and HE is next in line.. and SHE is implicated in the illuminati conspiracy theory.. WHY does Prince Charles even need to write zillions of letters and why don't the letters he does write ever have the desired result?  You'd think that he could just get his mummy, the Queen to ban ugly modern architecture, and to force us all to grow organic.. 

It's also well known, or heavily leaked that the Queen did NOT want us to follow America into war... so how come she didn't use her power to stop it?  In the case of the Queen, what we do know about her, from seeing her, having grown up with her as Queen, interviews, the rare faux pas, and knowing the law of the land - we pretty much can say some things with a fair degree of certainty.. one of those is that the Queen has very little, to no, real power or influence.. SHe's pretty much just a figurehead that is used to boost the country, lots of foreign dignitaries and pols love to meet her and in turn to be visited by her.. so she's really just for show - people who are into history etc..  for instance we know Trump requested a state meet/visit. 

I am all for people believing what they want to believe.. they can believe the world's flat if they like but some of these theories are just so completely out of line with facts and evidence.. I've written before about conspiracy theories and my bewilderment as to why they are more prevalent in some countries and why some people seem to need to believe them.. I've never really managed to find a concrete answer, only more theories..  but I suppose for me, logic and facts matter.. it's fine to believe something but for me, if there's evidence that what I think or believe is incorrect - I'd always want to know that.. and to learn.. and I guess I like to read both sides and learn and try to understand.. so in this I read both pro and anti illuminati stuff..

I have copied, below for anyone interested some links that seek to explain why the illuminati myths are not nearly as credible as people might think.. as I say, people are free to believe as they wish, and i can certainly understand how people from outside the UK, perhaps don't really know how little power and influence the royals have..and don't know that they are not even allowed to express opinions or disaproval officially of how the govt runs the country, let alone influence it...  I am happy to talk about Prince CHarles, (I am a fan), the Royals, (mixed feelings) or illuminati.. but please be prepared to debate and discuss, NOT insult and belittle..  there were many more links but these will do for starters. 



Posted - June 1, 2017


  • 44765
    Maybe he is trying to help them grow up and behave in a civilized manner.
      June 1, 2017 10:44 AM MDT

  • 6477
    If so then he seems to have failed :P 
      June 1, 2017 11:30 AM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe he just likes to write letters
      June 1, 2017 10:57 AM MDT

  • 6477
    You could be right Pearl.. although he seems deluded if he thinks anyone is listening or cares and apparently, according to his son William, the hand writing is awful and hard to read :P
      June 1, 2017 11:32 AM MDT