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How come that it's often the ones you do least for who are most grateful?

I don't ever expect gifts or even a thank you at work - it's my job to help people and I like to do my job to my best ability.. but a student gave me a prezzie of a bottle of wine, (working my way through it as we speak :P) and it kinda got me thinking.. cos, as I said to her truthfully, I never did anything to deserve it.. I even, on occasion forgot to remind her of stuff... mainly cos I knew she was reliable and on the ball...  There are others though who I have bent over backwards and suffered to help.. yet they don't seem in the least bit grateful.. Not that I expect them to - just seeing them achieve what they need to is reward enough.. but don't you think it's odd that it isn't those people who are the most grateful? 

Posted - June 3, 2017


  • 46117
    I'm like that student.   I never EVER forget a kindness. 

    That is one of my better qualities. 

    I make sure I thank everyone (usually in writing or with a small token of food, or flowers)  who ever does anything for me. 

    It makes me feel good, and I hope it resonates with them and makes them inspired to keep being amazing.

    You may think that you did little and you probably didn't do as much as you would have liked, but apparently it was enough.   Someone noticed.  I suspect you are wonderful with people.
      June 3, 2017 10:51 AM MDT

  • 6477
    She was a lovely student and honestly no trouble.. I guess I always want to do better.. I guess I was thinking more about the ones I tried so hard to help but ultimately they dropped out... Maybe they will come back one day and maybe they just weren't ready.. 
      June 3, 2017 12:09 PM MDT
  • D&D

    It's probably because not many has helped them. I know I'm that way. It's nice that you help students.
      June 3, 2017 12:35 PM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe cause youre doing more than you think you are
      June 3, 2017 12:42 PM MDT

  • 745
    I think it's because they don't expect you to do abything for them, while often people who expect a lot from you and take your kindness for granted, are the ones who are less grateful.. cause to them, your kindness is nothing but a habit.. 
      June 4, 2017 1:13 AM MDT