Based upon the headline -- I didn't have the patience to wait for the pages to load and the pictures of the President and then read it all - - but, no, I don't buy it.
The Toddler Defense "PoorGuyDon'tKnowNoBetter" certainly wouldn't work for me in a job, let alone a job of that importance.
Of course some will say consider the source, blahblahblah, more fake news.
I' m tired of much of this (not you, Slartibartfast -- your question is great!)
I apologize for still not reading the article -- is the Huffington Post considered conservatively-slanted or liberally-slanted? In any case, I thought of you - - I heard P Ryan on TV yesterday talking about this exact thing -- about all of the intricacies of the President's job are all new for him, so we need to give him a break. :)