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Has someone ever made you feel frustrated or low here?

What did you say  if anything.. most people are so kind and caring here they don't want you to feel low, they want to build you UP; that's why I love AM!!!I've never had someone in my 'real' life build me up- but on the flip side has anyone ever kind of torn you down without them realizing it?

Posted - June 11, 2017


  • This is one of the kindest online communities I've ever been on. The last Q&A site I was on that was a bit kinder , was blurtit. But I had to tell the new mod to eat a D*ck cos she wasn't nice to me ;/ at all :( then things escalated quickly " yada yada yada" and I left. I like it here though;)
      June 11, 2017 12:13 AM MDT

  • not this time around, no. however, i was here for a brief time before all the upgrades to this site (same moniker), and there was (and still is) a gentleman here who did not appreciate my lack of capitol letters and let me know it. also there was this very young fella who was obsessed with large breasts and crudely hitting on females, and then trolling/harassing/abusing them if they didn't enjoy that approach. i happened to be one of a few people he sought out. i'd name him, but i'm not sure that's allowed. plus he's gone so who really cares about a missing pain in the ass? not me. =) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 12, 2017 7:53 PM MDT
      June 11, 2017 1:40 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi little queen~ :) I'm on the fly at the moment and stopped to share something with you really quickly.  It really has nothing  to do with the question.  I could word it so it did though.  Let me give it shot.
    On the internet, sometimes people feel empowered by the mighty word and the shield they hind behind. With these two misused tools, they feel the need to say things they normally wouldn't and do so with little regard to etiquette or composure.
    Baring this statement in mind, one must remember to take things with a grain of salt when read here or anywhere on the internet.  People are entitled to their opinion but not entitled to use it to disrupt a conversation or personally prosecute another.
    This rule also applies while driving a vehicle.  It is a privilege to own a car and have a licence to drive it.  There are rules and regulations set for our safety.  They also help us to be aware of our surroundings and others who might be there.  These are similar stipulations the internet has set for us. 
    You should always abide by the rules, pay attention to others feelings and surroundings and no matter what time of day it is and try not to hurt anyone's feelings or run through stop signs.
    I went to work yesterday, little queen, and even though there wasn't a car in sight, in your honor, I came to full stops at those silly stop signs. Thank you!
    Winks and smiles!
    Have a great night!  Love, Merlin This post was edited by Merlin at June 12, 2017 7:36 PM MDT
      June 11, 2017 5:53 PM MDT

  • hiya, Merlin. =) thanks for taking the time to share with me.

    i'm grateful to you for explaining all these nuances of the internet to me, but i am a veteran, for sure, and i was not complaining about what i had to report about the two people here that i mentioned above. it was more of a report, or answer to this question. you see,  i immigrated here from the infamous SodaHead website where i'd spent many years experiencing nearly every wacky thing possible. i take it all in stride, and with a very large grain of salt, indeed. i've always had far more good/positive experiences than bad/negative ones. i do tend to take a break from hanging out on conversation sites once in a long while, though. the site changes may have been a catalyst, as far as me taking a break from this site for some moons, but i did enjoy my time away from communicating in an open forum. i got into other stuff, like working on my book and improving on a healthy lifestyle. it feels good to be back, though. i was very curious to see how the site had changed since all the upgrades. i'm still getting used to stuff, but i like it.

    i giggled to read that you, someone, somewhere living your life, did something mindful in my honor. and what an honor it is, indeed!
    no need to thank me. :) thank you!
      June 12, 2017 7:52 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Yes, on here several times.. I even left at one point after a particularly nasty run in where I was compared to Trump or Nigel Farage...  I express my opinions, I try to state things reasonably and in a reasoning articulate way.. and I never engage in personal attacks or insults.. Unfortunately, perhaps cultural differences or slight differences/nuances or language or perhaps differences in what's acceptable mean that people on here do sometimes get ultra mad at me..and when I say way way less and say it nicer they seem outraged or perhaps that's pretty normal/accepted  - I don't know.. 

    I often feel surprised and hurt when I have said something entirely innocently and it gets taken wrong or results in people getting mad and engaging in personal insults... I guess mainly I don't understand why or how it happens.. people have accused me of being rude.. but when I check I surely haven't engaged in any insults or personal comments.. Maybe some people are just very volatile.. or there is misunderstanding as I say.. 

    I do think that if one is willing to say things that perhaps others are too scared or back away from then one is probably going to attract haters and anger... I guess all I can do is keep on saying what I say in a calm reasoning way.. if they don't like it and want to hate me for it.. there's little I can do unless I am willing to bow down and be too scared to offer an alternative opinion.. 

    I am by nature a debator.. unfortunately debate is not necessarily always feasible.
      June 11, 2017 2:33 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I look at it this way:  If you propose a question on here, you are asking for the opinion of others.  If that opinion doesn't agree with what you think and you take it as a personal insult, you are too thin-skinned.  If you don't want to hear the truth, don't ask the question. 
      June 11, 2017 10:18 AM MDT

  • 1138
    I dont agree with thin skinned..if someone has shown clear onessided thinking or black and white thinking that doesnt mean the listener was thin skinned lol...and who is to say what anothers 'truth' is...the main question is did someone make u feel LOW here...not whether you agreed with them.  ?
      June 11, 2017 10:36 AM MDT

  • 19937
    If the reason you feel low is because someone responded in a way with which you didn't agree, then, yes, you are thin-skinned.  If you only want to hear what you agree with, you need to talk to a mirror.  Someone's opinion is their side of the argument - if it doesn't agree with your side, then you are guilty of the same black and white thinking. 
      June 11, 2017 10:47 AM MDT

  • 1138
    No either parties can have their own 'side' are saying if someone has black and white thinking and I don't agree with it and KNOW it is wrong, and condescending then I have black and white thinking too? I'm not sure that i s accurate.  I'm talking about someone who tells you what they think is the 'truth' for YOU; in a negative manner too. THAT would make anyone feel low. As if they know your life or more about what will go on for you, than you do .. o.O Who cares who is thin skinned or not; I simply do not profess to people that 'I' know what is 'right' about them. 
      June 11, 2017 11:32 AM MDT

  • 19937
    You have asked for the same advice several times and have received the same answers every time.  You can keep asking the question, but the answer will remain the same.  You have not expressed your thinking - you have asked for the thinking (opinion) of others, which clearly has not agreed with what you want to hear or what you want to do.  Shar is right - you want to hear what you want to hear, so I'm out of this conversation. 
      June 11, 2017 11:42 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I get your thinking on this.. but I don't think we are necessarily talking about differences of opinion.. sometimes, indeed fairly often, people are engaging in personal insults.. now that's not a debate... it's not even expressing an opinion..  Imo people who do that generally do so with the deliberate intention to hurt and really aren't trying to contribute to an exchange of ideas 
      June 11, 2017 1:43 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I mentioned nothing about a response being a personal insult other than to say that if she took a response that she didn't like simply because it didn't agree with her view, she was thin skinned.  Nothing here referred to being called names, This post was edited by SpunkySenior at June 11, 2017 5:02 PM MDT
      June 11, 2017 4:11 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Look up victim.

    Look up blamer.

    People cannot make you feel low.  You can give them power in your mind and blame them for something you have total control over.    You want people to agree with you.  You confuse that with love and support and friendship.  I cannot let someone believe something that will weaken them further.  You don't need me.  You don't need my approval.  You need to really stop all this nonsense of asking every thought that comes into your head over and over.  You need to stop and CHANGE YOU. 

    I'm sure this makes you not like me.   Too bad.  It does not affect me one iota.   I hope I can change you, but I doubt if you would know what to do with yourself if you did not identify with being weak and depressed. 

    You drain yourself with this type of nonsense.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 11, 2017 4:17 PM MDT
      June 11, 2017 10:48 AM MDT

  • 1138
    NOPE I don't want ppl to agree with me, I asked a question about if I should date with so much anxiety, or just push through adn try to date anyway.. a person made me feel bad that I didn't date or wondered if I ever might.. it made me feel sad so I asked has anyone here mad YOU feel sad. this has nothing to do with my anxiety, and NO ONE is weak, but ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. When ppl ask a question EVEN it is more than once!!! they are not weak- no one is weak; if we come from Source and a higher 'something' then how is one weak? we only define that... that's it. I do appreciate your thoughts that sometimes what I might discuss is nonsense, b/c to the normal person NOT under daily threats, it might be nonsense. I'm tryting to get out of a very threatening dynamic but its hard and that's a fact. I do ty for the positive things you have told me ; like it doesn't matter though, what anyone thinks of me.
      June 11, 2017 11:41 AM MDT

  • 53642

    Nobody messes with me; I won't let them.


      June 11, 2017 4:25 PM MDT

  • 3191
      June 11, 2017 5:06 PM MDT

  • 53642

    You again?  En garde!


      June 11, 2017 5:19 PM MDT

  • 22891
    not yet
      June 11, 2017 5:32 PM MDT