Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Homo Sapiens. As a species do you think we are all more/less alike? There is infinite variety in other species. What about humans?
War makes money for people engaged in producing weapons for it. War allows one country to overtake another and control it. War is good for those who value. It is very bad for all living things. Thank you for your reply bh! :)
More's the pity. The beauty of a tapestry is in the infinite variety of the threads...how they're woven. Thank you for your reply Patch and Happy Sunday! :)
I read that there are hundreds of varieties of MANGOs alone Ele. Did you know that? Do you know how many varieties there are of apples or oranges or dandelions or butterflies or roaches or spiders? New species or subspecies are being discovered all the time. When I say "infinite" I mean we can never know how many there are finitely. We can't know NOW which species is Closed and which is open to new discoveries.Can we? Thank you for your reply! :)