Every day for several years. When I lived in Sydney, I was on the train for five hours a day - two hours from Lawson to the city, then another half hour to North Sydney each morning, then the reverse in the evening. The morning train was referred to as the "dorm on wheels" - passengers would stagger onto it at oh-dark-thirty and promptly crash. I made use of the time to study, I was boning for an Applied Science degree at the time as well. There was one occasion on the evening train (I travelled with friends on that one) where the lights fused in the carriage just before the train entered a tunnel - and one girl handed her friends some "cigarettes" in the dark - only to find that she'd opened the wrong box. When the train emerged, her friends were holding slim tampons ...
Our city has a very crappy bus system, but when I was in Italy, buses and trains were the best way to get around. When I was there with my G/F from the ship we were coming back from an excursion south of Naples using a bus. We didn't know exactly which stop to get off at, so I asked some teens if they spoke English. One said yes and told us which stop to get off at. It was a half a mile from the ship. We saw them laughing as they rode off. We had a good laugh too and walked the rest of the way.
I use the student-run bus system in Davis all the time. Used all during undergrad--nothing too funny about being smashed against other students packed inside a tiny bus. Hated it, but I refused to bike during to campus during the winter.
I've also been on BART many times. Fortunately I've never been robbed.