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If you value something you treat it with respect. If you don't you trash/smash/ crush it. Will the presidency survive?

Trump's obvious disregard/disrespect for the office he holds has been clear from the start. He does nothing to honor it. Will there be anything left of it after he is done with it and discards it like an old mistress who is no longer desirable? How much abuse can the office of president take before it disintegrates?

Posted - July 2, 2017


  • 6988
    The media industry, as a whole, has been losing business since the internet has become popular. In fact, I worked in the media myself, (not in editorial) and lost my job as a result of the newspaper circulation reduction. ( ten years ago)  Therefore, these editorial people are scrambling to keep the news coming, any way they can, even if it makes the President look bad. The media is twisting the facts!
      July 2, 2017 5:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    How so bh?  They are reporting what he says. They are filming him and there is audio that goes along with it. He tweets constantly. No one edits that. You can follow him on Twitter. What FACTS has the media twisted? I'm serious here. I keep hearing that from folks who believe it when Trump refers to the media as FAKE media.  He is a well-known liar. When he encounters something/someole he dislikes he attacks it and lies about it. So I am asking  you sincerely for proof of what you allege. "The media is twisting the facts". That is a simple allegation without foundation until/unless you provide PROOF! Thank you for your reply.
      July 2, 2017 6:16 AM MDT

  • 6988
    My 'proof' is no better than your proof because we both get news from the media. However, I get direct surveys from the President. At least I get a chance to comment on his choices. You can hear some of his comments and "lies" by googling '8 Mainstream Media Lies About President Trump'  You will find it humorous as I did. 
      July 2, 2017 8:52 AM MDT

  • 22891
    only time will tell
      July 2, 2017 4:42 PM MDT