Rich people can pretty much be anything they want. They cannot reach any level of wsdom though, unless they walk the path of the poor and see things the way their sisters and brothers see.
They cannot buy compassion. It has to be learned. It is a gift to be earned. Because it builds character and makes one beautiful on the inside.
Do you think you're born with all the qualities that make you human Shar? Can anyone learn compassion? I dunno. I don't think so. We are what we are at birth. I don't know how much education and a desire to change affects us because we are all hardwired. Thank you for your reply and the gorgeous graphic! :) There are some extraordinarily wealthy folks who are very compassionate. Bill&Melinda Gates created a kind of registry of billionaires who signed it agreeing to give most of their wealth to charities. Last I heard over a 100 people/couples signed it. Betcha Donald John is not among them. :(
Those are honorable words found in the dictionary cp. They describe certain people. You don't like name-calling? What about calling some folks smart or kind or beautiful or helpful or talented or funny or thoughtful or intelligent? They are all honorable descriptors. Do you avoid using those words? If so your conversation must be all gray with nothing there to color it or give it depth. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. Different strokes for different folks with different mindsets and different values and different intellects and different experiences and different goals. Different strokes drive the world and divide us. SIGH.