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What are the good things about America?

  • Country music.. ok so I know not all American's like it, and ZILLIONS of Brits think it's well naff.. but I have been a fan since I was 8...
  • The accents.. lol yea I know they are all different but I like almost ALL of them.. I could absolutely curl up and purr with pleasure at a lovely American drawl
  • There's loads, and loads and loads of space... miles and miles and miles of it...  (UK is pretty congested, especially in the South East where I live and it's one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
  • I love the houses... sure I Know they aren't all the same.. but I love those wooden boarded houses.. they are so endlessly adaptable.. so easy to make them unique. (many of our houses are very much build to look the same)
  • Their enormous back yards... my fav American has a front yard bigger than most back yards here.. and her back yard could house a whole estate full of houses... 
  • Old American cars....... drooooooooooooool.. I remember being so disappointed that most of the cars on the roads weren't the fab old American cars we see being renovated on tv
  • TRUCKS... double drooool... I drove my friend mad with my American truck obsession.. she hated them.. I couldn't get enough.. even made her go to a truck stop so I could get pics :P
  • The idea, perhaps it's a myth... that one can be anything one wants to be if you work hard enough...
  • That your vets are WAY more enlightened and advanced in the care of cats than here... 
  • And that you can get more meds and treatments than we can.. far more easily.... the numbers of times I have had to have meds shipped from America!
  • I am a bit of a fan of American Literature too...
  • That you have loads of clothes for fat people 

I am sure there are many more things.... but those are top of the list

Posted - July 8, 2017


  • 6477
    WOW! So even though I tried to explain and make it right, cos that's seriously what I want and I certainly don't ever have any intention of disrespecting anyone.. I still feel like I am blamed and accused - well gee that's sad :(  I don't ever have any problems either in real life of online with other Brits.. I started on the net in 1994 and made most of my AMerican friends back then, and they are still in my life...  So I am at a loss to understand why when I say one thing, clearly in black and white.. it gets somehow taken an entirely different way. and when I try to explain and rectify any misconceptions it seems I am even more accused.  
    Sometimes all we can do is keep on doing the right thing even if it's taken the wrong way by some.  I respect your wishes even though I am saddened by them. 
      July 9, 2017 4:54 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Video provided by Old School

      July 9, 2017 12:59 PM MDT

  • 22891
    a lot of things
      July 9, 2017 5:26 PM MDT