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What are the good things about America?

  • Country music.. ok so I know not all American's like it, and ZILLIONS of Brits think it's well naff.. but I have been a fan since I was 8...
  • The accents.. lol yea I know they are all different but I like almost ALL of them.. I could absolutely curl up and purr with pleasure at a lovely American drawl
  • There's loads, and loads and loads of space... miles and miles and miles of it...  (UK is pretty congested, especially in the South East where I live and it's one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
  • I love the houses... sure I Know they aren't all the same.. but I love those wooden boarded houses.. they are so endlessly adaptable.. so easy to make them unique. (many of our houses are very much build to look the same)
  • Their enormous back yards... my fav American has a front yard bigger than most back yards here.. and her back yard could house a whole estate full of houses... 
  • Old American cars....... drooooooooooooool.. I remember being so disappointed that most of the cars on the roads weren't the fab old American cars we see being renovated on tv
  • TRUCKS... double drooool... I drove my friend mad with my American truck obsession.. she hated them.. I couldn't get enough.. even made her go to a truck stop so I could get pics :P
  • The idea, perhaps it's a myth... that one can be anything one wants to be if you work hard enough...
  • That your vets are WAY more enlightened and advanced in the care of cats than here... 
  • And that you can get more meds and treatments than we can.. far more easily.... the numbers of times I have had to have meds shipped from America!
  • I am a bit of a fan of American Literature too...
  • That you have loads of clothes for fat people 

I am sure there are many more things.... but those are top of the list

Posted - July 8, 2017


  • 2657
    'I could absolutely curl up and purr with pleasure at a lovely American drawl'
    Get curling.
    This post was edited by texasescimo at July 9, 2017 1:44 AM MDT
      July 8, 2017 5:02 PM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL swooon :P  
      July 9, 2017 1:44 AM MDT

  • 6988
    You have captured some good ol' American stuff. Perhaps you would be excited to know I am a truck driver. I drive a Freightliner Cascadia lorry from Detroit to Fort Wayne, Indiana via Interstate 75 & U.S. 24. I haul new parts to be assembled into General Motors pickup trucks. My great grandparents came to the U.S. from Sheffield so they could farm the endless prairies of Nebraska. I have 7 acres on my 'mini-farm'.  However, I still voted for Trump because his way of business and govt. are success driven, like my own. 
      July 8, 2017 5:49 PM MDT

  • 6477
    OMG you drive an American truck!!!!!!!!!! omg can I marry you?  LOL wait hmm the Trump supporting lol eww nooooo that's ruined my illusion now!  Teee hee I'd cheekily say, success driven... Trump? hmm well he's made many, many mistakes in his past and had many business failures in the past.. so hardly a great success and his current popularity along with the fact that worldwide he is pretty much universally disrespected as a leader.. well apart from the Ruskies :P

     But getting back to trucks.. seriously I am insanely in love with American trucks.. they are sooooooo good looking.. ours, comparatively are boring as heck. 
      July 9, 2017 1:49 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Hey, wait! Trump has had much more success than failure in his business career------  several billion dollars to the plus, I have heard. That's more than the Queen, and he is much younger.  You must be getting your Trump news from off-beat tabloids and Rosie.
      July 9, 2017 5:06 AM MDT

  • We speak and spell the Great Tongue correctly.  We drive on the proper side of the road.  Our cars have their steering wheel where god and nature intended.  We call things by their pure and upright names. Sliced deep fried potatoes are "French Fries" NOT "chips"!  Small, sweet tasty snacks are "cookies" not "biscuits".  God's blood!  Its no wonder you got trounced back in 1776. 
      July 8, 2017 9:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    The great tongue?   I don't see anything greater about this tongue than any other tongue that has been spoken.
      July 8, 2017 11:51 PM MDT

  • Go to your Bible, red letter edition. See?  Jesus spoken English. If English was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for anyone.
      July 9, 2017 9:13 PM MDT

  • 2657
      July 9, 2017 1:43 AM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL I take it you were joking :P Everyone knows you guys fail to speak proper English :P We did invent it ya know :P  and loooool to french fries.. there's nothing french about them! French fries, or pommes frittes where I assume the word comes from.. well it just means fried potatoes.. and you can hardly call adding the word or reference to France pure :P Remember the French fell out with American a while ago :P Cookies are BIG biscuits.  Do remember we invented the language :P  

    DO also remember. we know you guys have a huge chip on your shoulder about independence... but do be logical... a) we spared, logistically very few resources on fighting that the time we had many interests in many, many, many countries, (as did most European countries at the time) and we are a minute country... so let's face it... you didn't exactly get our full force :P  But the main point is.. you guys seem to take that all a LOT more seriously than we us it was a small, and pretty insignificant part of history.. I remember one guy being incensed that we don't teach our kids about the war of independence in the US... well see it really was only one war or part of a much, much, bigger picture to us... Important to you of course but of little significance to us.. we just liked nicking the profits :)  

    DO remember that most of you guys come from Brits... so really you are just insulting your parents :P  
      July 9, 2017 2:00 AM MDT

  • HA! Your post hoc justification about the war will not carry.  Admit it, the world's (then) greatest standing army defeated by a bunch of rag tag colonial militias!  Pip pip THAT in your tea cup!
      July 9, 2017 9:12 PM MDT

  • America contains California. That lone redeems it. :P

    But seriously, some of the most beautiful places in the world are in America (Grand Canyon, Yosemite), we are an incredibly diverse nation that works pretty well in its diversity. Room for improvement, of course, but compared to how other nations handle diversity, we seem to have a knack for it. America will always be great, no matter the reigning government is like. 
      July 8, 2017 9:43 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I kind of fit a lot of what you wrote.

    The accents, lol. When I go to other parts of the country people think I talk funny. I wish I knew what I sounded like to them.

    There's loads and loads of space, that kind of depends on where you go. I'm a country girl so I love open spaces. I wouldn't be happy in a more crowded place I'm from South Dakota which only has 865454 people so there are 13 cities in the USA that have more people than my state.

    I live in a farmhouse which I own and I have 160 acres of property to go with it. (160 acres = 0.5 mile x 0.5 mile) My dad was a farmer but he passed along the property to me to keep it in the family.

    I don't do a whole lot of farming but I do drive a truck for a living. It's a 2017 Peterbilt and I pull a tank trailer for milk. Driving a truck is one of the best paying jobs where I live.

    My dad did tell me I could be anything I wanted to be and I wanted to be a truck driver so that's what I did.
      July 8, 2017 11:41 PM MDT

  • 6477
    OMG you drive a truck!!! How unbelievably cool is that!  
      July 9, 2017 2:02 AM MDT

  • 46117
    America is beautiful.  It is just some of the people that foul up the air.

      July 8, 2017 11:50 PM MDT

  • "It's not completely covered with concrete and asphalt ......  yet."

      July 9, 2017 12:01 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Well you have sooo much space that there's a lot of room for manoeuvre :)  
      July 9, 2017 2:04 AM MDT

  • That's true, I suppose. I've never been to the British Isles, even though my ancestry is from there, so I can't know how crowded it must seem to you, but we do have our New York City, where the population is 1,094 people per square foot and people don't have cars because there's no place to park them. Not all of America is like that, of course, but most of the prime spots are pretty well covered with people.

    Ah, well. Don't mind me. It's been a bad week. I would dearly love to visit the British Isles one day though. My ancestry comes from just south of Borders and there is a town near Carlisle that carries my family name.
      July 9, 2017 6:32 AM MDT

  • 6477
    As always you make some interesting points and observations. Believe it or not I always like your posts.. they always make me think...and that's a good thing!  Yes, of course you are right...cities are always going to be the exception... we have London and most there don't have cars either and it's an absolute nightmare to find somewhere to park.. most people who visit do so by train.  I found this comparison between London and NY..

    Further north in the UK is way less densely populated :) but it remains that overall as a country we are one of the most densely populated, perhaps because we are so tiny in terms of land
    This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at July 9, 2017 5:48 PM MDT
      July 9, 2017 11:38 AM MDT

  • 11452

    We can shop for groceries or go to the the drugstore 24/7.

    We have great customer service. An English friend and I visited each other. In UK stores, when I opened my mouth or fumbled with change, eyes rolled and I heard disdainful mumbling about Americans. By contrast, my English friend was treated like a special visitor and made to feel welcome in American places of business.

    In restaurants we have unlimited free refills on non-alcoholic beverages.

    There is no charge for public rest rooms.

    Americans are very patriotic and are surprised when other nationalities are not. Sometimes this is seen as Americans feeling superior, but it is no different than thinking your child is smarter and prettier and expecting others to think the same of their own offspring.

      July 9, 2017 4:06 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Ahh we now also have supermarkets/grocery stores that open 24/7 except on Sunday here.. And almost all of our restrooms or toilets as we call them are free.. it's rare that they aren't.  In some restaurants, e.g. Havester, Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Toby Cavery and many others  there are free refills... mostly we don't mind either way lol nothing worse than filling up on soda and not being able to eat your meal (yes I've done that you can tell!)

    We have to remember that London tends to be different.. and most Americans do go to London when they visit.. I am not sure, of course if you had that experience in London/some other city or elsewhere...  London's a funny place.. there are more shops open there 24/7 and yes, they often charge for public toilets/rest rooms... private ones in restaurants etc are free of course.  We also have to remember, and I think this is important.. that the majority of people now living in London are NOT English.. even if they are white.. we have a very multicultural London now with the majority tipped now to being immigrants... Most are from other nations... I think the stats are around 30% now are English. Not saying that is good or bad, just that it makes for a different experience,.  I think also there's the city mentality... people seem colder, more insular etc in the cities.. and that's certainly true of London.. I am seriously not a fan of London, almost never go there... 
    I have heard Americans say that they weren't treated super fantastically when they were in the UK... I do find many or most aren't that keen on Americans... I don't think we hate them, just that many, (UK not alone in this) seem to believe the stereotype of Americans being loud, brash and arrogant. 

    I DO definitely take on the proud parent analogy.. that makes perfect sense.. however, and I promise I say this nicely... it's one thing to be a proud parent and think your kids are the best, most talented.. but quite often it steps over that line into insulting quite openly and belittling others.. And as we know any mum going to the school gates and saying that the other kids are useless, stupid etc... well it won't go down well.. perhaps because most of us are proud parents too.... I think most of us are a little patriotic.. but that is generally tempered, certainly here with being able to look realistically and honestly at our faults and failures.. So yea we are generally happy to admit our faults and what we are bad at., we are far from perfect!  America sadly is less respected than it was so perhaps some of that is a reaction to that? Certainly the last war lost America a lot of friends and a lot of respect.. unfortunately this can mean people act less favourably towards Americans.. not saying that's right.. it isn't.. but there was a thing I posted yesterday that said Trump's presidency has made people around the world less favourable towards Americans.  

    I speak only from personal experience... but I was treated well when I visited the States.. people fawned over my accent..  and seemed to like Brits.. In turn whenever I was told how people loved my accent, I replied well. we love yours too.. This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at July 9, 2017 12:54 PM MDT
      July 9, 2017 12:45 PM MDT

  • 11452
    I didn't just compare America to the UK - that's not what you asked.  And as 'nicely' as you say it, you are still saying that Americans are wrong to be patriotic  because you don't respect us. I am tired of being expected to apologize for being proud to be an American.  Americans are individuals and if you heard someone belittling  or insulting you it does not mean all of us are that way. Not any more than your frequent reminders to us Americans of how disliked we are is representative of the way everyone in the world thinks of us. Oh, and we're not all fat either. This post was edited by Jane S at July 9, 2017 1:41 PM MDT
      July 9, 2017 1:40 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Phew where to start...  I so want you to be able to see I mean nothing unkind here.. this is one of those times when i get so frustrated... I think it's some slight cultural thing.. so I will just have to hope you can see that when I try to explain and address your points.. 
    I didn't say you were comparing... I was just, trying to be helpful and explain that fortunately we have those things too :)  

    I didn't say being patriotic was wrong... my exact words were that I thanked you for the analogy, I said it was helpful, 'I DO definitely take on the proud parent analogy' I meant do take on board of course.. but clearly I was saying i appreciated the analogy. I also said, '. I think most of us are a little patriotic.. ' so my logic chip working here.. if I am saying we are ALL a bit patriotic.. how can I be saying it's wrong?  seriously? I respect your opinion but if you think I was trying to be unkind .. then sorry I wasn't... I wasn't asking you to apologise either for it.. see comment I just made.. if we are all a little that way how can I expect you to apologise? 

    I did say that when that crosses the line from patriotism as in my country is great, I love it..  to 'your country is rubbish, you are all so stupid; - THEN it's a problem.. and I do see that a lot.. even on here..  I never said YOU did it and I never said ALL or even most Americans do that.. 

    I also never said that I disrespect AMericans.. indeed you will see that I have said OFTEN that I am fond of Americans and indeed wasn't this whole post about that? Seriously I so wish you could see you are getting mad at me for no reason..  And I would respectfully ask you to take that comment back.. I never said I disrespected Americans.. and you would be incorrect there.. I have many American friends and value them greatly.

    Saying that America is less popular, less respected and most often NOT seen as the leader of the world is NOT disrexpecting or insulting anyone.. I wish you could see that.. I am only reporting what is the case. I never said I agreed or disagreed I am only reporting. I often say that in response to insults about for example Europe or when some foolish individuals insist on saying that America is the leader of the world.. sorry but if that was ever true it isn't now.. that's not insulting, it's not disrespecting, if offers NO personal opinion.. just reports what is the case - I have observed that many Americans, (note I dont' say all) do seem to not have a good idea of how America stands on the world stage now. and they do seem to see this as a personal insult when I say it even though factually none is intended.

    FWIW I never, ONCE said that all Americans are fat.. truly i feel so frustrated about that.. do you think it's due to  slight language differences? Honestly, I don't get it??? I said it was a good thing that they made clothing for larger people.. as it happens I am far from skinny.. so i was saying it's great that you guys have nice clothes for larger people... here it can be hard to find larger sizes.. Do you see what's happening here.. I say one thing, entirely innocently, entirely without ANY malice, factually, and often even with nice intentions.. and I get people telling me off, saying I am disrespectful etc... I don't get it and probably  never will.. all i can do is keep trying to correct misinterpretations.. even if I fail and you genuinely cannot see there was no disrespect or malice.. I can keep trying. 
      July 9, 2017 2:54 PM MDT

  • 11452
    You're right, you don't get it and you probably never will. I would say it's a cultural difference, but other Brits I've know don't come across the way you do.  I've avoided interacting with you until now and I will stop reading your posts.
      July 9, 2017 4:47 PM MDT