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Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Is it possible to alleviate the Trump problem by simply giving him his own category? If so, let's do it.

Is it possible to alleviate the Trump problem by simply giving him his own category? If so, let's do it.

Posted - July 16, 2017


  • 53528

    It's been suggested before, Merle, with the response that those members who post such traffic might choose other categories anyway.

    How's this: all such posts must first be sent to my in-box for vetting, with a 22-day turnaround time for approval/denial?  I solemnly promise to be fair and unbiased . . .

      July 16, 2017 3:19 PM MDT

  • 17620
    The questions appear on the question list as they are posted.  Categories have nothing to do with it.  So, no more categories necessary.  I assume most of us look through that list for new questions.  The value of indexing is the ability to find something by topic or subject.  I can't imagine using categories for perusing new questions. 
      July 16, 2017 5:09 PM MDT

  • 53528

    Good points. 
      July 16, 2017 5:41 PM MDT

  • 17620
      July 16, 2017 6:00 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi Thriftymaid~ WoW!  I didn't know that.  Every time I come to AnswerMug, I open all questions by going under Questions and then moving to "Questions by Category," under the drop-down menu.  My question, in turn, reflects that process.  I thought the questions were sub-divided.  Example: When I posted this question, I posted it under the category of AnswerMug.  I thought if you were to post anything, you needed to pick a category.  If it doesn't matter what category Trump questions land in, like pets, then my question is moot.  But, if we could have an area where all the Trump questions and answers  could gravitate and assemble themselves, they would be easily accessible for those interested.
    I didn't know it doesn't matter about any category.  Thanks for clearing that up.  :) :)  I really didn't know it didn't matter.  :) This post was edited by Merlin at November 15, 2017 7:08 PM MST
      July 16, 2017 7:17 PM MDT

  • 53528

    (You're rambling, dearie.)

      July 16, 2017 9:11 PM MDT

  • 2657
    Maybe, I dunno. Perhaps make a limit of new questions per user of 5 per hour per category or 50 per day or something? Rewording the same question/statement in 5 different ways all within a 30 minute time span can get a little annoying when you look at the trending ten.
      July 24, 2017 12:37 PM MDT

  • 6098
    I don't have a problem with Trump - he just seems a regular guy like most of the business people I know and work with.  Do wish he would be more judicious and edit his speech more carefully. 
      November 12, 2017 7:13 AM MST

  • 2960
    I don't see any Trump questions on this site.
      November 12, 2017 12:12 PM MST