No, I didn't make anything up. Chales Taze Russell did, though. Joseph Rutherford added to it and Fred Franz twisted it all into a a book of perverted scriptures.
Do the research yourself. I did.
Intelligent Design is a religious argument for the existence of what you call God.
If you believe in something higher than human beings is that something higher compassionate/merciful or judgmental/terrifying? Why?
1- God is a complete being, as such He is necessarily multifaceted. He has numerous attributes or characteristics, so that He does not fall short but can adequately and appropriately deal with all the different scenarios possible.
2- However, His most repeated attributes in the HQ are Urrahmaan, the most compassionate, Urraheem, the most merciful, Ulghafoor, the most forgiving and Uttawaab, the most ready to turn to those who turn to Him.
3- The first two attributes mentioned above are more nuanced than their translations convey. Urrahmaan is a mercy that has no limits in what it covers. It extends to all, even the most undeserving. Urraheem on the other hand is a mercy whose depth knows no end and is reserved for the deserving.
4- Both words come from the same root r-h-m that the word for wombs arhaam comes from. So these mercies convey a mother and child attachment or bond
5- In the HQ version of the Genesis Adam and Eve story God forgives both Adam and Eve their disobedience. Also, no baby is born with the so called original sin in the HQ version.
6- In HQ 39:53 we have: Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God, for God forgives all sins: He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.“
25 Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live.
26 I defiled them through their very gifts, in their offering up all their firstborn, in order that I might horrify them, so that they might know that I am the Lord.