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Do class action lawsuits help the people or the attorneys more?

Posted - August 5, 2017


  • 46117
    The firm. 

    There is only so much money to go around and those lawsuits have millions of people as a rule.  Well, thousands at least anyway.

    It probably generates publicity for the firm more than anything else.  And it also helps to assist in bankrupting the company that they are pitted against.
      August 5, 2017 9:18 AM MDT

  • Very true. Last year I got checks from two different class actions, one for $7 and change, the other was a little over $60. I got a notice in the mail for both that I was eligible for a claim, one I didn't even remember getting the calls from. I filled out the paper work just for sh*ts and giggles....ended up getting a little bit of money. :) 
      August 5, 2017 9:21 AM MDT

  • 2500
    They help the postal service most of all; what with the mailing out of all those useless notices and those two dollar checks . . . 
      August 5, 2017 9:25 AM MDT

  • 5450
    It helps the attorneys more because they can do a lot more with the money they get out of it than I can with my check for a few dollars.
      August 5, 2017 12:45 PM MDT