Discussion»Questions»Life and Society» Wars never really end. The hate they generate does not dissipate over time. It grows. Hate groups are born because of it. Inevitably?
Do the British and the Americans still hate each other due to the Revolutionary War? News to me! (Yet another failed premise, I believe. See what happens when one uses absolutes as a basis for theory?)
Yes we made it up with the Brits. We are just like those turkeys. Capture and conquer. But she is mostly right.
Wars between the North and South here after that war, are still in play.
Wars between Ireland and everyone around Ireland including Ireland itself is still warring like crazy.
India and Pakistan? Still enemies.
So, you are both right. Sometimes wars do end and we wind up at peace and making allies only to fight another perceived enemy with our new ally. It really does not actually end ever.
When we are all at peace on earth? Then we can say this is untrue.
My mother no longer hates the German people who tried very hard to kill my father during WW2. In fact, she worked many years as a secretary for a former 'Hitler Youth' who owned a very successful business here in America. (my father had German shrapnal in his body, and I almost wasn't born because of it!)
I think you're wrong on ALL of those points because wars never really end. The hate they generate does not dissipate over time. It grows. Hate groups are born because of it. Have you learned nothing here at all?
There is always the Anti-Hitler Youth Hate Group, they have chapters everywhere. It was inevitable.
(If we all roll our eyes in unison, the rotation of the earth may reverse itself.)
This post was edited by Randy D at August 13, 2017 11:51 AM MDT
A great story. This is proof that anything is possible. It is living proof of why we need to forgive and move on. But, did it stop hatred and racisim? Did World War II do a thing to stop white people from wanting to destroy other races and have white supremacy? It still reigns in every jail in Amerika.
I think that is what Rosie meant here. It never ends. It just pops up somewhere else worse and even more diablolical.
I think Rosie posted exactly what she meant to post. Remember, this is the person who hardly ever edits what she posts, and who staunchly defends whatever she's posted (if and when she replies, that is). __
That is very up close and personal bh. Glad your dad survived. It wasn't the German people though was it? It was the Nazis. Or am I being ingenuous? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)