Discussion » Questions » Politics » If you google "Trump's disgusting speech", the internet does NOT know which one you mean and gives you about 100. LOL

If you google "Trump's disgusting speech", the internet does NOT know which one you mean and gives you about 100. LOL

Posted - August 17, 2017


  • 6477
    And they say similar re his golf resorts... that he bought them for too much and that he isn't making anywhere near the profit he claims he is, and that he is vastly overstating what they are worth... ho hum.. patterns never change as they say.

    But I am surprised there are only around 100 results - I would have thought more :P
      August 17, 2017 7:59 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I just said that.  There are volumes.  You are right. 

      August 17, 2017 8:11 AM MDT

  • 1233
    If you knew the first thing about business, you'd know that businesses do fail. In fact almost all businesses do. 

    What makes a businessman great is not succeeding at everything because NOBODY does that. It's about having the good judgement and emotional discipline to cut your losses. It's just like poker. You have to know when to hold'em and when to fold'em.
      August 17, 2017 12:00 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Hmm well you are entitled to  your opinion and your unswerving devotion to the *despicable* one but if we are talking business. then we do have to remark that there is a distinct pattern here.. and with the best will in the world we would hardly say that someone with SO MANY failures; for instance he took on a successful airline that had a long-standing thriving business.. and under Trump it failed.. Air travel is hardly on the decline...  And there are serious concerns that the same pattern is playing out again re his golf resort business. And the other problem is.. that all these failures end up costing OTHER people, or sometimes the country, money.. that's what filing for bankruptcy is about.. so he personally doesn't have to pay out..
    So in conclusion... yes many businessmen experience the odd failure... but Trump has a whole plethora...and some DO succeed at everything..  His judgement, that you praisingly refer to... has similar valid questions hanging over it.  
      August 17, 2017 12:49 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh God, what did he say NOW, daydream?  I didn't read it yet.  I just don't think I will as usual.  I just post what is in my head back to him without reading a word.  It infuriates him and pleases me.


      August 17, 2017 12:51 PM MDT

  • 1233
    He's a billionaire for a reason. His successes out weigh his failures. The numbers are irrelevant because many small failures can be outweighed by one massive success. Though actually the vast majority of his ventures have been successful.

    "that's what filing for bankruptcy is about.. so he personally doesn't have to pay out.. " 

    You just don't understand business. Limited liability is a good thing. It allows a person to invest a certain amount, knowing they can't lose more.

    When a business fails ALL the investors deserve to lose their money including the bank that lent to finance the project. Nobody is entitled to a guaranteed return. If you are against bankruptcy you're arguing that the other investors are entitled to a guaranteed return at Trump's expense. No, if they made a bad investment they need to take it on the chin and stop whining. The risk has to be shared. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at August 17, 2017 1:07 PM MDT
      August 17, 2017 12:59 PM MDT

  • 6477
    He's a billionnaire because he got rich by walking away from all his bad deals while everyone else suffered the consequences... One thing is for sure too, they were NOT SMALL FAILURES.. filing for bancrupcy is not done for a coupla quid!  You should know that..and you should know that the costs and losses are NOT always to the investors.. innocent people get hurt, including the workers who often get stiffed..

     And as usual you are there going off on one as we Brits say.. without even reading what I said.. you made up your own version?  I never said bancrupuptcy was a bad thing per se... but when it is used repeatedly 
      August 17, 2017 1:37 PM MDT

  • 1233
    Nonsense. Bankruptcy either is acceptable or it isn't. You're fence sitting like you do on most issues.

    If someone who has failed in the past can still persuade people to invest in their ventures, they deserve more investment.

    Trump can still attract investment because rational people know he usually delivers.
      August 17, 2017 1:50 PM MDT

  • 6477
    He's a billionnaire because he got rich by walking away from all his bad deals while everyone else suffered the consequences... One thing is for sure too, they were NOT SMALL FAILURES.. filing for bankruptcy is not done for a coupla quid!  You should know that..and you should know that the costs and losses are NOT always to the investors.. innocent people get hurt, including the workers who often get stiffed.. 

    And as I say... it's not that I object to bankruptcy.. per se.. but when it is used repeatedly in such an obvious pattern then it's just an abuse of the system... and business works on investment yes. . if investors lose and keep losing there are consequences. TRUMP is avoiding the consequences... by filing for bankruptcy.  Banks lose.. employees and others lose.. he keeps his money but then going out and doing the same thing again and again.. This is NOT successful business/ And if he does that with the country they will be in serious trouble!  Look at his propensity to make poor decisions manifesting already in his *leadership*
      August 17, 2017 2:00 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I just awoke from a pleasant dream into the daily nightmare once more.  You see, I was not hypervigilant.   I for a few brief seconds believed that the world was normal.  I fell into a dream, you see.  Then I awoke.  And had to realize all over again that TRUMP was president.

    I had to relive it again.  So it is better to just think about it all the time and keep that nausea muscle alive and working.

    You do know he is a racist, right?  Are you a racist, TZ?  

    Are you loyal?

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 17, 2017 12:55 PM MDT
      August 17, 2017 12:53 PM MDT

  • 2500
    Hey! I get the same results when I plug in Obama or Hil-LIAR-y's names. Imagine that!
      August 17, 2017 12:55 PM MDT