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I just graduated two months ago and I already quit my second massage job. Should I start blogging my life?

I have this bad habit.  I don't want to work places I am not happy in.  Since it does not take a whole lot to make me pleased, I figure if I am NOT pleased, I should cut my losses and look elsewhere.

I have this bad habit.  But the second place is re-hiring me and asking ME to give THEM another chance.  Now I like this attitude a lot.  Maybe I can do business with these people after all.

What say youse?

Posted - August 23, 2017


  • 234
    I have to agree with build your own clientele and YOU chose which ones you want to keep forever (or not). The BEST advertisement IS word of mouth. Once you have established your own base clients, they will send business to YOU. When you work with a company that takes "walk-ins", you never know from one person to the next who is going to report you for "misconduct".....even though YOU did nothing wrong. You are now in the people pleasing business.....
      August 24, 2017 10:21 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Hi there still,

    I have rather good news since I wrote this thing.  All is fine at work.  ???  Wonder of wonders.  I was asked to come back, I was asked to give a deep - tissue massage to my boss.  She loved it, told me I was fine and to not worry about complaints and she would work with me and I should do just fine.

    Thanks, Bosslady,

    I wish you would have made me feel more like this last Sunday, you would have spared me some ulcers.

    But, anyway, it looks like I still have a career there and I think I did the right thing.  I stayed and toughed it out. 
      August 24, 2017 9:08 PM MDT

  • 23814
    I don't have an answer or probably even any suggestions.
    But I know you've got a lot going for you and I have faith in you.
      August 23, 2017 5:57 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I love you, Welb and what can you say?  But I have a bad history of earning money when I need to.  This is a time when I need to so I am letting all kinds of difficult situations get the best of me.  Thanks for listening. Tomorrow will be better. 
      August 23, 2017 6:02 PM MDT

  • 23814
    I can relate to much of what you're sharing.
    I love you, too!

    Remember - - A day and moment at a time. That helps me when the stress and anxiety tends to be overwhelming me. 

    My ears are always open.
    :) This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at August 23, 2017 10:06 PM MDT
      August 23, 2017 6:15 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I had a good day.  Finally.  I went back to work, gave my boss a massage and she loved it.

    So, I know she has confidence in me and I don't have to worry that I will be out of a job.  I cannot tell you how devastating it can be (I'm sure I can tell you) to go to school try your best and then feel like you suck.    Ahhhhh.   Why me, God?  But, apparently I do not suck after all.  Hooray. 

    One day and moment at a time will always remind me of you, Welb.

    Thanks for being my good friend and always having time for me and EVERYONE, it seems. 

    Yes, you are loved. 
      August 24, 2017 9:10 PM MDT

  • 23814
    I'm glad your day went well!!!!

    I read your comment here early this morning and have taken energy from it through today. I had a creepy night of unsettling dreams that lingered in my head through the day and up until now I confess.
    You are welcome for any and every thing I might say that has helped you.

    With love,
    From "Sometimes-Not-Feeling-Loved-Yet-Knowing-That-Deep-Down-I-Am, (and so I know my feelings are not always accurate assessments of me as a person),"
    Be Well

      August 25, 2017 5:33 PM MDT

  • 7126
    I say give it another try. I can't know what you're going through but from the outside looking in I do wonder how you'll ever make it in this career you seem to want if you can't push yourself through and out of the beginner's birth canal.

    People striving to meet their goals have fears and discomfort. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is that the successes feel those things but keep moving forward. I strongly encourage you to do the same and learn from the talented people around you. Don't forget that they were all beginners once too.   ;-)
      August 23, 2017 10:04 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Well, that would make good sense if I were new at getting jobs.  I have had so many that I know what I mean when I cannot expect ANYONE to know what I mean.   Because you are right.  But I know what I mean because I am ME. 

    There are places I can work and I do not care if I suck, I know I can do what they want.  OK?  This is not a place like that.  It feels like every day I am going to get the hatchet.  I cannot live in a world like that.  I'm sorry.  Won't do it.  Cannot think straight.

    So, I will let you know how today goes.  I am no baby.  I really can take a lot of pressure.  But not this kind, not when I went to school for twice as long as most people do and not when I got the grades I did in this shit.

    I KNOW what I am doing?  But I don't do it the way they do in a SPA.  These people have worked in spas for years and I have not.  They just take for granted that I can start and stop and do what they want in 50 minutes.  I never worked that way.  I was trained to, but I never took it all that seriously because I was too busy learning what effect my moves had on the muscles I was working on.  Rather than can I get the whole body done in 50 minutes.

    I understand and appreciate what they need.  I do.  But.... I cannot just pull this off all at once.  It's not just watching a clock.  It is cramming a bunch of stuff that has zero to do with massage into the hour I have with this person.  UGH.

    I have to look up everything they wrote about themselves and what they want today.  It is a good three pages to scan.  I have to make sure I have the lighting right, the music right, the bolsters ready, the towels hot and the bed made in 5 minutes before the next client arrives and when they walk in I have to reiterate what they want and what they expect.  I have 5 minutes to talk, get them undressed and on the table and get going.  Then I have 50 minutes and 5 minutes to sell them on everything they need and get them out the door.


    Can you imagine what that feels like when you never did this?  LOL  For 8 hours and don't screw it up.
      August 24, 2017 10:11 AM MDT

  • 7126
    I may not know what you mean but I absolutely believe you can do it. And I can imagine just how good you're gonna feel when you push through all the negative self talk and come out on the other side.   :-)
      August 24, 2017 10:26 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm there.  I made it through.  I gave my boss a massage today.  Deep tissue massage.  She loved it.  She said it was great.

    I'm good to go.  I think I won't have many problems after this meeting.  She was so kind.  So, I am not scared any longer. I can be me again. 

    Thank you for being such a great friend.  You really are.  Great.  Friend.  Thank you.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 24, 2017 9:15 PM MDT
      August 24, 2017 9:12 PM MDT

  • 7126
    I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You inspire. You truly do.   :-)

      August 24, 2017 9:20 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Awwww, I just did what any ADULT person would do.  I didn't run and hide.  I wanted to, believe me, but I had to face the music.

    Now, I feel on top of the world because I think this place is behind me and making me successful.  That is a wonderful feeling that I would like to KEEP. 

    Thank you.  You inspire me  as well.  VERY MUCH SO. 
      August 24, 2017 9:24 PM MDT

  • 19937
    If you keep changing jobs, you'll always be a beginner and you'll always be stressed out.  Better to be in this second place where they are willing to help you work through your novice stage.  What you should try to do is find out what the customer didn't like about your massage technique so that you can decide whether that customer is just a picky pain or there was a legitimate issue.  Good luck. :)
      August 24, 2017 9:50 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yes.  This I know.  But I have been around this business enough to know that some places are easier to learn in than others.  I don't want to be the person who doesn't know what she is doing.  It makes me screw up MORE.  I need to thrive while I am improving, not massage in a world where I am scared to death that something is going to pop up that I cannot control and have no one who backs me up.

    That is what being a new person can amount to.

    I worked in sales for YEARS.  When I came out of the gate running, I had a great job.  When I had to struggle, it always wound up not being a good job for me. 

    I need to keep going at this place.  You are so right.  I am going to keep a positive attitude because I know I am very good.  I know I have a lot to learn.   Thanks for listening.  Your words are exactly what I would say to someone expressing my doubts and fears right now.  Thanks Spunky.

      August 24, 2017 10:03 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I've started enough new jobs to realize that the first 4-6 weeks are the hardest.  You have so much to learn and not everyone is eager to help you.  Once you figure out who to go to for what you need, it's smooth sailing.  I'm sure you'll learn quickly and do just fine if you stick it out.
      August 24, 2017 12:30 PM MDT

  • 46117
    This is actually true.  It is what i have to endure.  I just have to suck it up.  Pray for me. LOL
      August 24, 2017 12:36 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I have every confidence that you will work through this and come out better on the other side.  Got good thoughts going for you. :)
      August 24, 2017 8:44 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I did it, Spunk.  I actually made out great.  I went to work and gave my boss a 2 hour massage.  LOL  She said it was very good. 

    I'm not going to have to worry about this job now.  I feel like my mojo is back and kicking.

    You helped. You listened.  AND?  You gave great and spunky advice. 

    I hope you feel as happy as you helped to make me.  I'm here for you if not.

    Thank you. 
      August 24, 2017 9:16 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I am thrilled that anything I said to you gave you the power to plow through.  I never, for a moment, felt you weren't up to the task.  Smooth sailing from here on in.  Way to go. :)
      August 24, 2017 10:17 PM MDT

  • 585
    Hey Shar,

    Though I don't understand your profession fully - as in, I can't imagine what sort of mental and physical effort it takes - I have read through all words of wisdom in response to your question and I agree with those who say perhaps stick it out. But I also 100% understand your frustration with feeling instantly defeated at this second place. It's not a good start, and I'm the same in that if I get off to a rocky start it's hard for me to get my bearings and go up from there. I need a good smooth head start most of the time. 

    I wish I had something more insightful to say. Trust your intuition. You know what you can handle and if there's something you don't want to do - don't. Don't feel obligated just because you "should" do something or "maybe it'll turn out" or anything like that. I respect you and your intelligence very much and I know you'll succeed with whatever choice you take.

    Keep on rockin' :)
      August 24, 2017 3:17 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You are wonderful for what you did say.  First of all, to take the time and read all this?  That takes a very giving and loving soul to care enough to do that.  If you did nothing more than that, I would be in awe and grateful.  But you gave really soulful advice as well.  Actually, I would love to come in 2nd or 34th, if it meant it was something a lot of people go through.  What freaked me out was my boss telling me this doesn't happen.  Not the kind of complaints I got from this woman.  Well, that sounds horrid.  But what my boss meant was they needed to be fixed, not that they were so terrible.  I didn't grab a boob or anything.  LOL

    She just made it sound like I didn't know what I was doing and complained.   Then she tips me???  Oh well.

    It's over.  I appreciate that it is over. I appreciate that people told me to stay and tough it out.  The hardest advice is 99 percent of the time the RIGHT advice.  I didn't want to, but I HAD to.  And it was the right thing to do, because now I can show these folks what I am made of.

    So, you are great.  Thank you for listening.  And hopefully no more whining for awhile from this end!!!!

      August 24, 2017 9:21 PM MDT

  • 585
    No whining? I'm not sure if you'd be allowed back on here with that kind of positive attitude! ;) But I'm SO happy that you went back and your boss loved the massage you gave. More importantly, I'm happy that you feel more secure today in your job. Hearing that you had a complaint that was seemingly the first of its kind is always a total shot to the confidence. That has happened to me before as well, and I remember it made me reconsider my entire skillset. You KNOW you're skilled and talented, so then why would this happen? I get it! D: I'm happy to hear that the communication is clear now. 

    Good for you doing what you didn't want to do but knew you had to - I'm really not very good at that. Props to you! Hope you can relax tonight and feel good going into your next shift. :) We all have your back! 
      August 24, 2017 9:28 PM MDT