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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Are you a FIXER? Do you try to make things easier/better/smoother? Oil the squeaky hinge? Pick up trash? Let others go ahead of you in line?

Are you a FIXER? Do you try to make things easier/better/smoother? Oil the squeaky hinge? Pick up trash? Let others go ahead of you in line?

Hold out a helping hand. Give a word of encouragement. Offer a shoulder to cry on or an ear that is available to listen. People like that are very rare. Are you one of them?

Posted - August 25, 2017


  • 17020
    Only if I know you.
      August 25, 2017 6:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Really? I open doors for strangers all the time. I let strangers get in front of me in line..once I let 7 in and the cashier got annoyed with me. You save all that for those you know? Okey dokey.
    Well, do you know me? We have never met face-to-face and never will though we have been cordially friendly for many years. What does it take for you to "know" someone Sbf? Thank you for your reply. It's very strange though. You're the outgoing guy and I'm the introvert. How can I be outgoing with strangers and you not be? Confusing! :)
      August 25, 2017 11:25 AM MDT

  • 17020
    I'm outgoing with strangers, but the burned hand teaches. I've done favours for strangers before and anybody who saw it expected the same. I'm not a dogsbody. I deliberately ignore anybody with an "entitlement" mentality,  and can pick those from a mile off.
      August 25, 2017 7:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    OK my friend I need a couple of things translated s'il vous plait. "Burned hand teaches". Never heard that expression before. Do you mean if you get burned you can warn others about the source? What is a "dogsbody"?  I know it isn't something I'd want to be but I have no idea what it is. You Aussies have some really nifty phrases. Oh. You probably know the US Open starts on Monday. I wonder if Nick Kyrgios (sp?) will be there? Are you still ticked off with him or do you think maybe he is redeemable? Thank you for your reply Sbf! Of course we're hoping Federer will get another win! I think his days are numbered. I believe he is 36 or almost which is very young but for a tennis player it isn't. :)
      August 26, 2017 2:22 AM MDT

  • 17020
    If you "get your fingers burnt", ie suffer bad consequences from an action, you think twice about doing it again. Dogsbody is a menial servant.  Both are archaic British expressions.

    Nick will have to keep his nose clean for quite some time to redeem himself in the eyes of most Aussies. He tanked, that's almost unforgivable.
      August 26, 2017 5:55 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Pretty much.

      August 25, 2017 6:45 AM MDT