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Infidelity or the second cumming?

Not that it matters whether she was unfaithful to her sky fairy husband or whether she was another immaculate conception, the good old Roman Catholic church put up the no vacancy sign at their inn.

A nun who kept her pregnancy a secret has shocked the Roman Catholic Church by giving birth to a baby boy.

A cloistered nun has stunned her mother superior and sisters after giving birth to a baby boy after complaining of severe stomach pains.

The sister, who belonged to an order in Macerata, in the eastern Italian region of Le Marche, claimed to have no idea she was pregnant when she was rushed to hospital in agony, after which she gave birth.

The pregnancy has embarrassed the Church, and the nun will be forced to leave her convent in Rieti, north of Rome, to "lead a secular life with her baby, away from religious institutions", according to a spokesman from Delio Lucarelli, the bishop of Rieti.

Posted - September 1, 2017


  • 6477
    Beats me how that happened then.. perhaps there's something in the water?  I have 3 kids and yet i  am sure I am still a virgin :P 
      September 1, 2017 12:24 PM MDT

  • 591
    That Italian water is famous for it but on the serious side, we can only hope it saved a choirboy :-))
      September 1, 2017 12:51 PM MDT

  • 6124
    My grandmother used to say: "A nun gets none."  
    Obviously, this lady got at least one.
      September 1, 2017 3:16 PM MDT

  • 17048
    One of my aunts is a nun. When she heard that I'd got my fiancée pregnant, her response was "Hasn't the boy heard of condoms?"

    I told her I had and that we broke one, and asked her what she knew about it anyway. She said "We do get the theory!" This post was edited by Slartibartfast at September 4, 2017 2:17 PM MDT
      September 1, 2017 3:44 PM MDT

  • 591
    In theory I cannot see any reason for the theory to be taught to a RC unless the have no intention of following the Vatican's rules,
      September 4, 2017 1:30 PM MDT

  • 17048
    She's a nursing nun. Nurses see it all, so they have to know about it beforehand.
      September 5, 2017 12:09 AM MDT

  • 591
    Makes sense. 
      September 5, 2017 12:21 AM MDT

  • 2971
    She should have stuck to Holy Marital Toys.
      September 1, 2017 3:49 PM MDT

  • 492

    It is believed that the nun, originally from Bolivia, arrived at the convent in June when she was already unknowingly pregnant.
    She was said to be in the process of taking her vows to qualify as a nun.


      September 1, 2017 5:24 PM MDT

  • 591

    What is said in your link is 'It is believed that the nun, originally from Bolivia, arrived at the convent in June when she was already unknowingly pregnant. She was said to be in the process of taking her vows to qualify as a nun'.

    However digging a little deeper reveals a different story to the slant put on it by your source. Either way it hardly condones the fact that 'Sister Roxana would have to leave the Little Disciples of Jesus convent.' No room at the inn?

    The baby's birth has provoked an outcry in the Catholic Church since Sister Roxana took a vow of "poverty, chastity and obedience" when she became a nun in September 2012.

    "How do I feel? More like a mum than a nun," she said after the birth of the baby.

    But until the birth she was convinced she was suffering from an ongoing gastric infection and cystitis, a bladder infection, and thought the swelling in her abdomen was related to poor digestion. She had also lost track of her menstrual cycle.

    When doctors conducted an ultrasound and told her she was in an advanced stage of pregnancy she screamed: "I can't give birth, I am a nun."

    Father Benedetto Falcetti, head of the regional branch of the Catholic charity Caritas, said Sister Roxana appeared to have fallen pregnant when she returned home to renew her passport.

    "It all happed in El Salvador between March and April last year," he said.

    "It was the rekindling of a childhood flame."

    Local bishop Delio Lucarelli said Sister Roxana would have to leave the Little Disciples of Jesus convent where she has lived at Campomoro, near Rieti. The head of the convent, Sister Erminia Pusceddu, said: "She did not know how to resist temptation."

    Sister Roxana has also written a letter of apology to the order's mother superior, Elvira Petaraca, for breaking her vows.


      September 4, 2017 2:15 PM MDT

  • 492
    There ya go Butchy. Ya gotcha answer. It wasn't a second cumming.
      September 4, 2017 7:49 PM MDT

  • 591
    What a naughty little penguin she was.
      September 4, 2017 8:24 PM MDT

  • 6124
    I love this entire thread!  Def helped me wake up in this morning.
      September 5, 2017 3:43 AM MDT

  • 591
    I hope wakening up turns out to be a good idea :-))
      September 5, 2017 3:46 AM MDT

  • 6124
    Hey, as long as I wake up every morning, I have no complaints.
      September 5, 2017 3:51 AM MDT

  • 591
    The best way to be, have a good one.
      September 5, 2017 4:16 AM MDT

  • 492
    Human nature?

      September 5, 2017 4:49 AM MDT

  • 591
    That would appear to be what Darwin put us here for
      September 5, 2017 4:54 AM MDT

  • 492
    Let us give thanks to Darwin and make him worthy of receiving praise.

    ~ Praise him for the supposed billions of missing links in the evolutionary chain, never found.
    ~ Praise him for mentioning that cells are simple, when in fact cells have a digital code more complex and lengthy than any computer language made by man.
    ~ Praise him for the rejection of an intelligent design.
    ~ Praise him for considering biotic interactions being the major cause of species extinction, which is a mistake saying.
    ~ Praise his human errors, leading his simple minded followers to fall off the edge, due to cerebral blindness. 
      September 5, 2017 5:19 AM MDT

  • 591
    Ahh the old missing links ruse, if we have A then jump to E religitards claim the 'missing link' yet if C is found they then claim that there are even more 'missing links'. Seems you will not be happy till we can give you every missing link complete with their addresses and phone numbers and even then I an sure you will claim your god did it.
    I think you will find that it was a court in Dover that you have to praise for the rejection of an intelligent design.
    Darwin was 200 years ago and science has moved on a little since then, 
      I am listing two videos below, please watch the first one between 50:00 and 57:00. This shows Paul Nelson, the scientific head at Discovery Institute, in this clip he clearly states TWICE what it would take to make him reconsider his belief in ID/creation. After watching that clip, please have a look at the second clip between approx 15:00 and 25:00.
    I will leave it to you to decide if you want to face reality or live in your god bubble. 
      September 5, 2017 5:57 AM MDT

  • 492
    Thank you for the links and especially for indicating the time frame to highlight your point. I find these youtube debates more entertaining than educational. I appreciate points served by all sides but, because I form my own opinion from gathered opposing thoughts and do my own thinking, it's just entertainment to me. Thanks again.
      September 6, 2017 7:48 PM MDT