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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Ambition/Obsession. The first is good, within reason. The second is never good for any reason. Are you ambitious/obsessive? Which and why?

Ambition/Obsession. The first is good, within reason. The second is never good for any reason. Are you ambitious/obsessive? Which and why?

Posted - September 9, 2017


  • 46117
    My idea of heaven is not having to be anywhere except where I want to be with enough money not to worry ever. 

    That is my only ambition. 
      September 9, 2017 9:32 AM MDT

  • 6477
    In the spirit of discussion and debate - I would argue that ambition can be a bad thing sometimes, or even often, and obsession isn't always a bad thing. I often get obsessed with things.. music particularly, hobbies etc.. No harm has ever been done to anyone or anything as a result of my obsession so that's not a bad thing :)  On the other hand, I have very mixed feelings about ambition.. I have observed that some of those who are very ambitious can seem to miss out on opportunities that come their way, be it people, trips, jobs etc. because they are SO focused on achieving their goals and ambitions.. 
      September 9, 2017 10:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm not remotely competitive with others at all Addb. The only person with whom I compete is me. I want  to get better at whatever over time and make progress! I don't relish the spotlight or attention. I'm more a shadows/sidelines gal and I would prefer to be the Director not the Star!  Competition can bring out the very worst in people. They cheat and lie and undermine and sabotage so they can WIN. I find that appalling so I stay out of it. As for ambition I was never ambitious in the classical sense. I wanted to do better each day than I did the day before but I didn't have a long-term plan to achieve this or that. I get obsessed from time to time about various things. Foods a lot of the time. I will eat the same thing(s) until I get sick and tired of them and then I'm off them for a very long time. I think obsession based on HATE is never good. It usually is a forever thing with no endgame in sight. Short-term obsessions that hurt no one? Probably not harmful. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Assb!
      September 10, 2017 2:51 AM MDT