Are you a good person and always carefully listen to what others tell you? Or, are you like me? When someone talks about things that don't interest you, they turn into Charlie Brown's teacher..."Wa, wa, wahh, waaa, wa, wa, wah."
Listening is a skill that few really master. I used to teach a listening skills class at the corporate level. It was fun. I just don't spend time with people who bore me unless it's one of those situations where you feel trapped. I am also very good at getting out of those.
I am a terrible listener. My focus sucks eggs, therefore I lose interest after a HELLO. Im good , however, at getting the jest of what someones trying to say, by piecing bits and peaces of the words that come at me from people. What was your question again. I mean, after, are you a good listener? LOL
I am very polite, which means that I listen whether I want to or not. People tend to confide in me a lot, which I suppose means that I am a good listener.
I have the same problem in real life but I don't think it's because I'm a good listener. I've been told that I'm very approachable. So, I've started working on my mean face.
I think you're on to something. When I'm in a group of people, I'm the one that gets approached for directions or whatever. I shall work on my RBF. Resting .... face.
LOL Harry...I just wanted to use that gif...being in teaching profession...listening is very integral part of my professional life....;)) By the way...I'm here only because I've fun with you you know Harry;))