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For those who believe women who accuse men of sexual abuse are lying. What if some were the women in YOUR life? Would they be lying too?

Posted - October 24, 2017


  • 34938
    I have some in my family that I would not trust because they lie. One in fact did lie about a accused rape. Not all women are honest....the majority are. But there are some is the same with men as well.  
      October 24, 2017 5:06 AM MDT

  • 2219
    Started with Potiphar's wife. 
      October 24, 2017 5:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I had to look that up Malizz. I am familiar with the name but not what it related to. Here is what the dictionary says:
    "As Egyptian officer whose wife tried to seduce Joseph". Okay. Did she lie about it? I will  Google it to get a better understanding of why you brought that up Malizz. Thank you for your reply! So would you like to answer the question I asked? This post was edited by RosieG at October 25, 2017 3:23 AM MDT
      October 25, 2017 3:23 AM MDT

  • 34938
    Yes,  she lied. Claimed Joseph tried to rape her because he refused to sleep with her.
      October 25, 2017 5:20 AM MDT

  • 2657
    My answer quoting (Genesis 39:7-20), was meant to be a reply to this comment. Looks a little funny on it's on as an answer to he original question. Guess I missed and gave it as a separate answer instead. Oopsy, sorry. lol
      October 25, 2017 8:52 AM MDT

  • 2657
    (Genesis 39:7-20) Now after these things, the wife of his master began to cast her eyes on Joseph and say: “Lie down with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master’s wife: “Here my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has entrusted everything he has into my care. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I am, and he has not withheld from me anything at all except you, because you are his wife. So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?” 10 So day after day she spoke to Joseph, but he never consented to lie with her or to remain with her. 11 But on one of the days when he went into the house to do his work, none of the household servants were in the house. 12 Then she grabbed hold of him by his garment and said: “Lie down with me!” But he left his garment in her hand and fled outside. 13 As soon as she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and had fled outside, 14 she began to cry out to the men of her house and to say to them: “Look! He brought to us this Hebrew man to make us a laughingstock. He came to me to lie down with me, but I began to cry out at the top of my voice. 15 Then as soon as he heard me raising my voice and screaming, he left his garment beside me and fled outside.” 16 After that she laid his garment beside her until his master came to his house. 17 Then she told him the same thing, saying: “The Hebrew servant whom you brought to us came to me to make me a laughingstock. 18 But as soon as I raised my voice and began to scream, he left his garment beside me and fled outside.” 19 As soon as his master heard the words his wife spoke to him, saying: “These are the things your servant did to me,” his anger blazed. 20 So Joseph’s master took him and gave him over to the prison, the place where the prisoners of the king were kept under arrest, and he remained there in the prison.
      October 25, 2017 4:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you tex. She was a lying slut. Sorry for the harsh language. But all women are not her. SIGH. I guess it's hard to differentiate between the liar and the truth teller so it's easier to just assume all women who accuse men of sexual impropiety are liars and  then go from there.  Happy Wednesday.
      October 25, 2017 5:17 AM MDT

  • 2657
    "...just assume all women who accuse men of sexual impropiety are liars and  then go from there..."
    Why would you do that? I sure didn't suggest that.
    I think I read something before that something like 1 in 3 women have been assaulted, raped, abused or something like that?
    Not everything is black or white. Not every rape claim is false. Not every rape claim is true. As I said in my answer, 'I don't think that most that claim rape have lied about it'. I think that most claims of rape are true. 

    I look forward to the time when Jesus, one who has the legal right rules over the earth.
    (Isaiah 11:1-5) A twig will grow out of the stump of Jesʹse, And a sprout from his roots will bear fruit.  2 And the spirit of Jehovah will settle upon him, The spirit of wisdom and of understanding, The spirit of counsel and of mightiness, The spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah.  3 And he will find delight in the fear of Jehovah. He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, Nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear.  4 He will judge the lowly with fairness, And with uprightness he will give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth And put the wicked to death with the breath of his lips.  5 Righteousness will be the belt around his waist, And faithfulness the belt of his hips.
      October 25, 2017 7:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You provide a list of lying sluts tex. I have no idea what percentage of women who accuse people of rape are lying sluts. But I think your examples were all in that mode to let me know that there are lying sluts out there. I know that.  There are also rich powerful lying rapists out there too and I have a feeling there are lot more of them than there are of the lying sluts. Of course neither you nor I will ever know which side has the greatest number of evil liars. It usually lines up according to sex. Men tend to believe men more often and women tend to believe women more often although of course there are always exceptions. And so it goes. Thank you for your reply.
      October 25, 2017 7:49 AM MDT

  • 2657
    I just listed them after googling 'lied about rape' as your question gives me the impression that you believe that no woman has ever lied about being raped. If you have implied the other end of the spectrum that all women claiming rape are lying, I would have googled the opposite to show that rape is real. It is my understanding that in the 1800's and early 1900's that there have been black men hung after being accused of rape by a white woman, at least some of which were false allegations. Of course that's just based on what I have seen on TV but seems realistic to me since racism and lynching was pretty rampant back then. You can't just blindly arrest every man accused of rape or we will be back to the Salem witch trials but every alleged rape should be taken seriously and investigated to the best ability of the law.
      October 25, 2017 8:08 AM MDT

  • 2657
    I think that you are trying to paint with too broad of a brush? Some who claim rape do lie about it. I don't think that most that claim rape have lied about it though. Just because someone is related to me doesn't mean that they don't lie although I can't picture any of the few blood relatives that I know of lying about something like that. 
    I vaguely remember some lady in the news a few years ago that claimed to have been abducted and raped that was later found to be lying. It appears to be more than an isolated case. (Oh, and as Malizz brought out, there is also Potiphar's wife.

    Co-ed faces two years for lying about rape | New York Post
    Jun 16, 2017 - A former college student in Connecticut who is accused of faking rape allegations against two football players in an attempt to gain sympathy from another man is facing two years in prison under a proposed plea bargain. Teen charged with lying about being raped by college football ...

    The truth about false rape accusations — Quartz
    May 11, 2017 - Occasionally, however, the gain is not financial, as in the case of a woman who lied about rape because she thought it might help her stay out ...

    Jemma Beale lied about being raped – but was sentenced by a flawed ... › Opinion › Rape and sexual assault
    Aug 25, 2017 - There are no winners in the case of Jemma Beale, the 25-year-old woman given a 10-year sentence this week for a series of false rape allegations. ... Woman jailed for 10 years for making series of false rape claims. ... The Crown Prosecution Service under Keir Starmer published a report on ...

    'Attention-seeking' woman who falsely accused 15 men of rape ...
    Aug 25, 2017 - A SERIAL rape accuser who claimed she had been sexually assaulted by 15 men in three years has today been jailed after her sick lies were ...

    False rape allegations are rare – rape is not. Stop using the case of ...
    Aug 25, 2017 - Rape isn't news. By contrast, criminal convictions for lying about rape, such as the 10-year sentence handed down to Jemma Beale, command ...

    White Teen Who Lied About Abduction and Rape by Three Black Men ...
    Jul 27, 2017 - Breana Harmon could receive up to 32 years in jail.

    Lesbian fantasist invented 15 rapes and sexual assaults which saw ... › News
    Aug 24, 2017 - A fantasist who invented rape and sexual assault allegations against ... jailed after lyingabout a series of sexual assaults and rapes Credit: PA.

    White Woman Who Lied About Being Kidnapped, Raped by 3 Black ...
    Jul 27, 2017 - White Woman Jailed After Lying About Being Raped and Kidnapped by ... Denison police said that the case into Harmon's “rape” is now closed.
      October 25, 2017 5:10 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well your assumption seems to be that only men believe this.  But I think its good to look at it from a practical point of view. Look - most of us who get around at all have been abused in some form or other but its not something we care to talk about much.  We just deal with it the best we can.  But there is a difference between just trying to come on to us and taking it to the point it becomes uncomfortable for us just to be.  Men will do what they can to be with us and I have found it best to just grin and ignore them.  Because if we become flustered or break our routine then they use that to feel superior to us and it becomes like a silly game. 

    But what I have noticed is when somebody famous or a celebrity, a politician etc. gets accused they come out of the woodwork after holding their tongues for years and years - they want to get on the bandwagon and get some of the accrued glory/sympathy.  But when its just Joe Nobody they don't even think of accusing him because nothing in it for them and they don't even want to admit being with him. 
      October 25, 2017 5:33 AM MDT