Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Every single time we BUY anything there is a website listed on the register tape inviting you to take a survey. Do You?

Every single time we BUY anything there is a website listed on the register tape inviting you to take a survey. Do You?

As an enticement they will induce you with a discount on your next purchases or a free entree if it is a food takeout place. They are desperate for YOUR approval so they want you to tell them what they can do to make the experience better for you. Or so they say.  :(

Posted - October 29, 2017


  • 6988
    I get a two for the price of one offer next time I stop at the business.  Wow.
      October 29, 2017 7:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
     50% discount! Not bad! Thank you for your reply bh! :)
      October 29, 2017 7:52 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Good to be responsive to customers but They all take it much to far.  To an almost Orwellian extent.  And I mostly just want to make my transaction and get on with my life and forget about it. But then they send me emails or I get phone calls from the store or salesmen practically begging me to do the survey and telling me what rank to give them! Which is pathetic because I'm sure their employment or salary must be dependent to some extent on their receiving good ratings from us.   Like its almost that the business is abdicating their responsibilities and turning it all over to us.  So can end up being like a big popularity contest.  I'm sure a lot of people and businesses are not doing well and are scared so they do that.  With so many people not shopping at stores but buying whatever on the net where they don't have to deal directly with sales people or staffers. 

    I don't believe the customer is "always right" because I've heard in stores employees take the most horrible abuse from customers which was uncalled for.  I can understand when people get frustrated over all the layers of red tape that are often involved.  You call "customer service and you get someone on the other side of the world you hardly even understand.  But mostly I just shop and want that to be the end unless of course something doesn't fit me.  Its all in the end very sad and I miss the way it used to be when it was just assumed that if we had a complaint we would speak up or forever hold our peace!
      October 29, 2017 9:37 AM MDT

  • 22891
    no but ive been trying to make money taking surveys online
      October 29, 2017 3:30 PM MDT