With Sunday worship you are possibly paying homage to Baal or any number of pagan devils and making it that much harder for the Lord to heed your prayers by you NOT heeding his commands.
A Christian Requirement?
Since Christ fulfilled the Law, are Christians obligated to keep the weekly Sabbath? Under inspiration, the apostle Paul answers: “Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.”—Colossians 2:16, 17.
Those inspired words suggest quite a change in God’s requirements for his servants. Why the change? Because Christians are under a new law, “the law of the Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) The former Law covenant given through Moses to Israel came to an end when Jesus’ death fulfilled it. (Romans 10:4; Ephesians 2:15) Did the commandment about keeping the Sabbath also come to an end? Yes. After saying that “we have been discharged from the Law,” Paul went on to refer to one of the Ten Commandments. (Romans 7:6, 7) So the Ten Commandments—including the Sabbath law—are part of the Law that came to an end. God’s worshippers, therefore, are no longer required to observe a weekly Sabbath.
The change from the Israelite to the Christian system of worship could be illustrated this way: A nation may change its constitution. Once the new constitution is legally in place, people are no longer required to obey the former one. Even though some of the laws in the new constitution may be the same as those in the former constitution, others may be different. So a person would need to study the new constitution carefully to see what laws now apply. Additionally, a loyal citizen would want to know when the new constitution went into effect.
In like manner, Jehovah God provided over 600 laws, including 10 main ones, for the nation of Israel. These included laws about morals, sacrifices, health matters, and Sabbath-keeping. However, Jesus said that his anointed followers would constitute a new “nation.” (Matthew 21:43) From 33 C.E. onward, this nation has had a new “constitution,” founded on two basic laws—love of God and love of neighbor. (Matthew 22:36-40) Although “the law of the Christ” includes instructions that are similar to those in the Law given to Israel, we should not be surprised that some laws are very different and that others are no longer required. The law requiring the observance of a weekly Sabbath is one of those that are no longer binding.
nYour bible establishes legalities within the walls of your
Kingdom Halls. Outside your Kingdom Hall, it has no value to millions of people who were never introduced to its legalities established by self righteous and self glorified prophets. When your heavenly constitution of the world was not delivered to all man on Earth, there is a failure of equal legalities for all, in unity.
There is a failure to communicate here, Tex, and it is not man's fault. Powerful words to instruct God's intention of creation to the inhabitants of his creation should've been far more than just a set of words saying do this, don't do that.
Read the U S Constitution and go out and vote.