If you tell a story about two rams butting heads in the forest, nobody cares about the majestic appearance of male animals trying to outdo each other. Nobody cares about the smell of pine, the smell of spring, the way it feels to be there. The only thing anybody cares about is which one won.
I was an unfriendable kid in school. I was too weird in the 50s to be acceptable by the vast number of school society. Even the teachers couldn't figure me out. So I was one who sat on the swings at recess with a group of odd-balls. There was Johnny the Hillbilly, Schwartz the Jew, Butch the Slob, Ricky the Okie, and Don the Indian. One day, a large bully slammed me against the brick wall of the school. He lifted me up by my shirt and was about to draw back and punch me in my face. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone grabs the bully and slams him against the wall. It was Don the Indian! Don had that bully crying to be let go! Don was not as big as the bully, but it was obvious that the bully was scared. Don the Indian was like 'Billy Jack'.
to not stare so much at my history teacher's great butt!! same for my guidance counselor and jr. high gym teacher; those guys all had the most fantastic asses ever! ooooooooooo