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Discussion » Questions » Fashion » A mini-poll: When you put your pants on, do you put:

A mini-poll: When you put your pants on, do you put:

1. Left leg first?
2. Right leg first?
3. Both at the same time?
4. Neither, they put themselves on.
5. I don't wear pants.

Posted - November 8, 2017


  • 14795
    I know a thong we can sing along with that might solve your quanerdy 

    Funny thought.....why is it that I can always find someone to help me get undressed ,but when I ask for assistance to get dressed they all bugg** off ? 
      November 8, 2017 2:22 PM MST

  • 10026
    I Feel Ya and Hear Ya Loud and Clear Nice Jugs!!!  Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
    Too funny... 
    And Very True!!!
    I'll be giggling about this all day!  Thanks! ;) :)D!
      November 8, 2017 2:29 PM MST

  • 14795
    It's no joke I can tell's happened twenty five times in the few days and I'm getting sick of it.....five of em were Doctors i think !!!!!     Well they had white coats on......:(D
      November 8, 2017 3:07 PM MST

  • 10026

    With that being said and in due respect, I hope your check-ups went as planned and all parts were working accordingly! ;) This post was edited by Merlin at November 8, 2017 3:41 PM MST
      November 8, 2017 3:25 PM MST

  • 7777
    1. Left leg first
      November 8, 2017 2:30 PM MST

  • 2217
      November 8, 2017 2:30 PM MST

  • 33048
    If sitting both at same time.
    If standing right leg first.
      November 8, 2017 2:33 PM MST

  • 10026
    Exactly my2cents!  I think both of us have answered this question before and found we both do the same thing!  Big giggles!  I'm glad to see some things still remain the same! 
    Have a great day! This post was edited by Merlin at November 8, 2017 3:00 PM MST
      November 8, 2017 2:36 PM MST

  • 10026
    A mini-poll, not be confused with a maxi-poll, obviously needs a mini-answer:

    (1) (2) and (3) all apply
    It depends on time, the environment and if I If have to zip, tuck, and put on a belt
    ;) ;)
      November 8, 2017 2:34 PM MST

  • 13395
    I take my underwear shorts out first then right leg. If I forget to remove the shorts then I will always find them later hanging out the bottom of my pant leg when i'm at the mall or somewhere. 
      November 8, 2017 3:31 PM MST

  • 10026
    I am cracking up Kittigate!!  What a visual!  If I were walking behind or beside you and that happened, I think I would tell you before you went any further :D :D!!
      November 8, 2017 10:06 PM MST

  • 2327
    I think it's mostly #1, but sometimes it can be #2. Important variables like balance, timing, space, and location can all play a part. 
      November 8, 2017 3:40 PM MST

  • 22891
    left leg first
      November 8, 2017 3:52 PM MST

  • 19942
    Left leg first, then right leg, but I put my shoes on right foot first, left foot second.
      November 8, 2017 8:51 PM MST

  • 10026
    Way to be diplomatic Spunky :)  You don't want to show favorites and have one leg or foot be jealous of the other ;)
      November 8, 2017 10:07 PM MST

  • 19942
    Absolutely correct.  I can't afford to have my body parts angry with me. :)
      November 9, 2017 10:49 AM MST

  • 545
    Always left first.
      November 9, 2017 2:29 AM MST

  • 394
    When I'm standing, the right leg first.
      November 9, 2017 8:15 AM MST

  • 10154
    I pull them on over my head.
      November 9, 2017 8:22 AM MST

  • "You ALWAYS put on the right leg first, because the other one is always LEFT!"  Duh!  :))
      December 17, 2017 11:38 PM MST