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Are you always early, late or right on time? Do you pay your bills IMMEDIATELY or wait till the last minute? Why?

Posted - November 13, 2017


  • 17027
    Depends on when I have money.

      November 13, 2017 4:57 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sbf and Happy Monday. So you live paycheck to paycheck then? Some days you're flush and some days the coffers are bone dry? Hmm. That surprises me. I pay bills IMMEDIATELY long before they are due. I cannot stand owing money so we pay really fast. AS a result our credit ratings are exceptionally high. That's the way we like it. Uh-huh. Uh-huh! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 13, 2017 11:05 PM MST
      November 13, 2017 6:25 AM MST

  • 17027
    I work on commission. Tough to budget. Sometimes the work is there, sometimes it isn't. When it isn't, I don't get paid.
      November 13, 2017 11:06 PM MST

  • 113301
    You are one BRAVE dude my friend! I could never do that. I am only cut out for being safe. I need to know what I can COUNT on SBF. Years ago I took a "risk analysis" test. When Jim and I met he had investments in the stock market. I had been burned once and was not interested in being  burned again. It was his stock broker who suggested I take that quiz. The results? My desire to knowingly take risks was almost nil. I'm serious. So I could never work on commish ever. I salute you for that. .Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 14, 2017 4:20 AM MST

  • 44736
    All my bills are paid through automatic debit, except for small random medical bills. I just go to the office and pay. It's a five minute drive.
      November 13, 2017 6:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Ele and Happy Tuesday!
      November 14, 2017 4:21 AM MST

  • 10026
    Me too!! :) :) 
      November 16, 2017 1:32 PM MST

  • 2219

    Personally, I was brought up to settle things straight away.

    Once I was treasurer of an impecunious church, and tried to delay every payment for as long as possible. Only once had a solicitor on to me (for Rentokil), but was able to tell him the bill had been paid by the time his letter arrived, although they had got the months mixed up. 

      November 13, 2017 9:20 AM MST

  • 46117

    You gave a great reply and then contradicted it?
      November 13, 2017 9:25 AM MST

  • 2219
    Horses for courses. I have never been hand to mouth, but the church was (as was my mother in her time). This post was edited by Malizz at November 16, 2017 1:39 PM MST
      November 14, 2017 7:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    I cannot stand owing money to anyone so as soon as I get a bill I pay it. It hangs over my head like a sword ready to drop at any moment if I don't. I guess I'm anal about that. Thank you for your reply Malizz and Happy Tuesday!  :)
      November 14, 2017 4:22 AM MST

  • 46117
    There is never an always with me.

    I try always to be on time or early and most times I succeed.

    I pay my bills immediately or else it means I don't have the money.

    As soon as I can, the bill gets paid.  Usually early.
      November 13, 2017 9:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    There is always an always with me. I cannot stand to owe money to anyone. As soon as I get a bill I ALWAYS pay it immediately. I have been known to call  companies and ask where my bill was since I hadn't received one yet and was expecting it. It is usually delayed on their end and I think it shocks them that someone would call to complain about not having received a bill. I have NEVER been late on paying anything. I have NEVER had a creditor call me about an overdue bill. I have NEVER had a check bounce. So far so good. Thank you for your reply Shar and Happy Tuesday. It is for that reason I could NEVER have a job where I worked on commission. NEVER. I ALWAYS want to know what I can depend on. I can't live any other way.
      November 14, 2017 4:26 AM MST

  • 7806
    With me, it's mostly early. However, most if not all people seem to always be late for doing me a solid.
      November 14, 2017 7:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    What does "doing me a solid" mean? Thank you for your reply.
      November 17, 2017 2:17 AM MST

  • 10026
    I am the epitome of both unorganized yet never want to be late or owe money personally or to a business.  With that known fact about myself, I set up many accounts with automatic payments. 
    This way, with the exception of a few stragglers that I DO pay immediately, all my bills are covered and payed for in a timely fashion. 
    I can't rely on myself to keep tract of them.  I can rely on myself to make the money to cover them. This post was edited by Merlin at November 17, 2017 2:19 AM MST
      November 16, 2017 1:37 PM MST

  • 113301
    I don't like automatic Merlin. I like to be in control at all times and with automatic anything you lose control. I am a retired Internal Auditor. I ALWAYS know what I owe and when it's due. I have NEVER been late to pay anything nor has a check ever bounced nor have creditors had to call. I call companies to ask where the bill is if it is delayed. They're usually shocked because who calls to complain about not receiving a bill? I do. But if you are not cut from that same cloth I think having it done automatically is a SPLENDID idea! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday!  :)
      November 17, 2017 2:22 AM MST

  • 10026
    Good Morning Rosie~ I hear ya about not being in control of the money.  It is kind of sad when you work so hard for it and never really see it.  I comes in a check, goes into the bank and Boom!  It's divided accordingly and that's it. I really didn't like it when Don set it up either.  I still have hesitations.  But, so far so good.  There has been a time or two that we had a problem with paying Public Storage twice and one other, I think.  They grab it immediately and tell you umpteen times your bill is ready.... 3 weeks in advance.  One time I panicked and ran down and paid them, 3 weeks later they pulled it again and did't credit our account.  But, here nor there, at least they got paid. So, yes, I too have some reservations about the whole fiasco but it's the way Don wants it and I agreed.  The compromises we make in marriages sometimes...  Giggles!  Have a great Friday.  I have to work but not until 11 am. Of course that will go to 11 pm.  Friday nights for playing are years in the past.  Talk to ya soon! Love, Merlin :) :)
      November 17, 2017 8:44 AM MST