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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Presumption of Innocence and/or Guilty until proven innocent. Would you agree that that's how people are seen now?

Presumption of Innocence and/or Guilty until proven innocent. Would you agree that that's how people are seen now?

All I see are a ton of people just saying that they were sexually assaulted. Yet we believe these people regardless without any physical proof. Are you seeing this or am I crazy?

Posted - November 16, 2017


  • 10052
    I have mixed feelings about the whole #metoo thing. Having experienced both mild sexual harassment/inappropriateness and serious assault, I'm somewhat offended by those who act as if there's no difference between the two. There is a HUGE difference, and those who engage in the former should NOT be lumped in with the violent monsters who do the latter. I also think that it's completely nuts that as a country, we hold Hollywood celebs to a higher stander than the f-ing PRESIDENT! It's laughable, really! 

    I don't think I even answered your question, did I? It's really hard to say. Unfortunately, I'm sure there are as many liars as there are harassers/assaulters. People are generally sh!t. :(

      November 16, 2017 10:15 AM MST

  • 7809
    Yea. You answered it.
      November 16, 2017 10:36 AM MST

  • 6098
    I agree with Savvy and can't get worked up about someone staring at my breasts or trying to feel my ass or telling me I look nice.  Men are men and they either respect us or they don't.  That presumption of innocence anyway is a legal nicety and people have always delighted in thinking the worst of people they don't like. If you are not found Guilty then theoretically you are innocent.  Which is not necessarily true either.  
      November 16, 2017 10:37 AM MST