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At what point do you plan to put down your weapons, roll over and wait for the inevitable? Where's your pride? Why not die fighting?

Posted - December 1, 2017


  • 1305
    And how do you do that Rosie? How are you fighting? How is anything you are doing changing anything? What are you fighting? To fight something at first you have to know your enemy, what is your enemy Rosie?
      December 1, 2017 11:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    Ya wanna know? YOU ASKED. Here we go.  Buckle up. I speak my mind. I speak up. I say what I think. Why? Because that is how I am wired. Whether it does any good to any one at any time for any reason anywhere I cannot say. It does good for me. It may attract others who feel as I do and then a dialogue might ensue that is valuable and worthwhile for both of us. That is often how friendships start. We have brains. We have speech. Why waste them?  My enemy is indifference. Being aloof. Not giving a  rat's a** about anything. Those who do nothing and say thing are nothing in my opinion. They take up space. That is all. You never hear from them. They wish to remain uninvolved. That is their right.  Whether you approve or not is of no importance to me. If you don't like the questions stop wasting your time on them or me. You dislike the questions why not ignore them? You like  a question,  engage. Your choice.  This is an open forum. We ask/comment/answer as we wish to do. No one has to show up. No one has to answer any questions. No one has to get involved. You be you and I shall be me.  That's fair isn't it? I have no desire to question you about  whom you are.  I take you at face value. Why you need to question me only you know. SIGH.   So. Are you satisfied? This post was edited by RosieG at December 3, 2017 4:16 AM MST
      December 2, 2017 8:14 AM MST

  • 1305
    You still haven't stipulated what you are doing to change things, and what it is you are aiming for, an attack on indifference? You are fighting indifference, how by having an opinion, an opinion on what and based on what? None of what you have said actually answers the question I've asked. You haven't taking me at face value because you assume that I am indifferent, without knowing anything about me, all I've said is that I am unclear as to what your aim is, now I'm even more unclear.  It's not personal to you Rosie, I think you are a nice lady, but I'm unsure of your aim?
      December 2, 2017 5:16 PM MST

  • 5835
    We have this prophecy we call Armageddon. The last dated prophecy to be fulfilled was the creation of Israel in 1948. The USA is prominently absent from the Armageddon story, so we are waiting to see the country collapse and become helpless. That appears to be right on schedule. The sexual perverts are taking over, just as Jesus said they would. Jesus said it's going to be worse than anything ever before. All things considered, the world is right on track for the most colossal train wreck imaginable. I have read the book: we win in the end. God did not tell me to fight anybody. He says "Stand still and behold the glory of God!"
      December 1, 2017 7:45 PM MST