Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Are some people born evil or are we all a product of our environment?

Are some people born evil or are we all a product of our environment?

Posted - December 17, 2017


  • "I'm still undecided, but leaning toward environment."

      December 17, 2017 2:49 AM MST

  • Lol
      December 17, 2017 2:55 AM MST

  • Yes.  It's known they are born as well as created.   Psychopath vs. sociopath.
      December 17, 2017 8:34 AM MST

  • How can the way people interact with other people be predetermined before birth? If our behaviour is outside of our control then why are people punished for bad behaviour?
      December 18, 2017 3:47 AM MST

  • Psychopaths for example are born with distinct brain abnormalities in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex.   That's the part of our brain that gives us empathy and compassion.   They are physically incapable of empathetic emotions or recognizing moral implications.      There is also diminished activity and connections in the temporal poles in them.   Antisocial disorders have recently been characterized as stemming from this from  birth. 
    That's the difference between a psychopath and sociopath.   The psychopath cannot be treated since they lack the needed physicality to process empathy and morality issues.   They were born  without or diminished brain function for those abilities.   The sociopath is created and conditioned to shun morality and empathy by his/her environment but still has the tool for that ability.   The sociopath theoretically can be treated therefore.

    Just because one cannot control there behaviour does not excuse them or mean they shouldn't be detained or punished.   Actually quite the opposite,   it often means there is a need for more and harsher punishment.   The rest of society cannot be expected to live in fear of them or be hampered by them.   The Psychopath only understands "self" and " what is good for self".  So harsh and severe punishment is the only hope that they can be controlled in there actions.  You have to put the fear in them so to speak so they behave properly.   If they don't then they need to be locked up and removed from society to spare it their chaos.
      December 18, 2017 8:04 AM MST

  • 23846

    "Damien Thorn"

    Rosemary's Baby

      December 17, 2017 7:43 PM MST

  • Rosemary's Baby. Great book.
      December 17, 2017 7:58 PM MST

  • 23846
    Yes, it was, wasn't it?!

    I liked the movie, too.
      December 17, 2017 8:15 PM MST

  • I liked the movie, as well. Wasn't that Roman Polanski who did it? He was good. I've seen a couple of his other movies, subtitled, and they are good.
      December 17, 2017 8:49 PM MST

  • 23846
    Yes, Polanski directed that movie.
      December 17, 2017 8:51 PM MST

  • I think it's both.

    I was reading some stuff about people who have brains with very few dopamine receptors. They need a lot more "excitement" to feel normal. 

    Then there is Ted Bundy. He had a crazy grandfather who thought nothing of grabbing the cat by the tail and swinging it around. Bundy grew up with things like that as "normal".

    I don't remember the name but years ago a man kidnapped a child, tortured the child, then killed him. After he was executed his brain was studied. Some part of it (can't remember the name of the part), that dealt with the conscience and learned morals, was tiny. The reason for this, it's guessed, is that when the man was in his mother's womb she was being giving some kind of meds. They blamed those meds for his brain not developing properly.
      December 17, 2017 7:54 PM MST

  • 22891
    probably both
      December 25, 2017 2:07 PM MST