Last X-Mas, I was cutting an apple for my grandson, and accidentally cut my left thumb tenant. Now, my thumb is useless from the knuckle up. Its permanently bent because the tenant is cut. To have a working thumb again, id have to have my tenant sewn back together. Because of Obama, I cant afford insurance, so Im not going to get it fixed. It just sort of dangles there like dead meat. Ew :D
If you had gone to the emergency room of a hospital, wouldn't they have sewn you up and, if you had no insurance, would have either treated you for free or made a payment schedule for you?
Nope. My body has some quirks, but no handicaps. I know that will be that way forever. I will appreciate it while it is, though :)
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 18, 2017 3:52 PM MST