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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Is it better to be a train that is fixed on tracks and knows it’s destination, or better to be a a plastic bag blowing where ever the wind

Is it better to be a train that is fixed on tracks and knows it’s destination, or better to be a a plastic bag blowing where ever the wind

takes you?

Posted - December 23, 2017


  • 13071
    My late husband used to tell me I was a bag blowing in the wind, so I guess Ill choose that one. ;+
      December 23, 2017 5:25 AM MST

  • 3191
    It depends upon the person.  Many need the security, stability, and surety the tracks provide.  Some of us cannot abide the rigidity, regulation, and regimentation of enforced conformity.  I would be among the latter.  :) 
      December 23, 2017 5:34 AM MST

  • 53332

    (it's its destination)

    No apostrophe. 
      December 23, 2017 5:44 AM MST

  • predictive text did it Randy
      December 23, 2017 6:05 AM MST

  • 5808
    better being a human having happy holidays LOL
      December 23, 2017 7:15 AM MST

  • 22891
    i think its better to be human
      December 23, 2017 2:59 PM MST