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Discussion » Questions » Communication » Do you prefer it when people are agreeable or do you like to be challenged?

Do you prefer it when people are agreeable or do you like to be challenged?

I like to be challenged on everything. It’s how I discover my faults and it helps me to see things from other people’s perspective. My beliefs and opinions aren’t set in stone. I often change my mind if someones arguement is convincing.

Posted - December 26, 2017


  • 13071
    I hate confrontation. I like it when eveyones agreeable.
      December 26, 2017 6:11 AM MST

  • Yeah me too lol
      December 26, 2017 6:40 AM MST

  • 44543
    I prefer that people stay away from me. But if I must be around them they have to agree with me; otherwise they can eat my shorts.
      December 26, 2017 7:12 AM MST

  • 13071
    LOL!!  :D
      December 26, 2017 7:12 AM MST

  • 6098
    Agreeable. Makes for smoother social interaction. 
      December 26, 2017 7:28 AM MST

  • 1812
    Nobody likes a disagreeable woman. 
      December 26, 2017 7:30 AM MST

  • I like interactions to be courteous, but that doesn't mean I want constant agreement. Life would be unfulfilling if I only ever interacted with those who agreed with my opinions. I come online specifically to have my opinions challenged. 
      December 26, 2017 9:42 AM MST

  • 5354
    Oh yea? So how do you feel about this? "Smack" This post was edited by JakobA the unAmerican. at December 26, 2017 2:52 PM MST
      December 26, 2017 9:54 AM MST

  • hadouken
      December 26, 2017 10:06 AM MST

  • 22891
    i like it better when theyre agreeable
      December 26, 2017 1:26 PM MST

  • 5835
    The world would be a much better place if everybody would just agree with me. I must be right. All the intelligent people agree with me. Even when I'm wrong I'm more right than wrong.
      December 28, 2017 4:08 AM MST

  • 2217
    I've no problem with people disagreeing with me as long as they aren't disagreeable.

    A bit of courtesy helps when I'm right all along (as I usually am). 
    This post was edited by Malizz at December 28, 2017 4:56 AM MST
      December 28, 2017 4:55 AM MST

  • 3463
    I don't mind a different point of view as long as it makes sense to me. If it doesn't I probably won't respond back.
      December 28, 2017 2:35 PM MST