I once gave someone an enema with a turkey baster who was constipated for a week. I had to. We were in a hurricane and there was no way to get him to an emergency room.
I love Law and Order SVU the best. What perverts write this stuff? Oh, wait. That's right. It is based on actual cases. There is nothing our minds can manufacture that we have not acted out somewhere, someplace.
I just cannot stand thinking about people who are living in that world, the criminals, but I cannot look away for some reason either.
When something is manufactured, there is a necessary waste, quite often.
There are several necessary examples of necessary waste.
When something is just thrown away needlessly, and that something can be used for other purposes, then we have caused an unnecessary waste. When you make something at the cost of other properties being cast off in order to create the product, then you have necessary waste. I am making a clay pot. It causes heat and smoke. Necessary waste.