About 3 grams of kratom has worked best for me to give relief from things that might keep me awake like leg cramping and other minor pains or discomforts. Can't be used alla time because one's tolerance builds and can become addicting. Sleeping pills, pot or melatonin never worked well for me
Kratom is a mild opioid made by powderizing the leaves of a type of tree grown in tropical climates. Claims were made that it can work well to help addicts come off heroin addiction, helps stop pain, relieves stress, helps you sleep and is pleasurable to take also various other benefits. After about 3 weeks I noticed I needed increased dosage for same effect, I was letting it get away on me then I decided maybe couple times a week is OK , not every day -to prevent possible addiction. I found only two places where it is sold locally -one of the medical pot dispensaries and the Hope Foundation. Available on the Internet also. I found out about kratom from a friend who has been trying to cut down his heroin addiction.