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Does Trump have a compromised literacy level? Many think so.

People across social media made fun of Donald Trump on Wednesday when he referred to the African country of Namibia as “Nambia.” Everyone laughed but me. Even though I am well-known for the sensitivity and politically correct tactfulness that I display on a regular basis (hey, don’t laugh!), there is another reason that I didn’t laugh when our president was standing in front of the United Nations reading like your nephew giving his Easter speech:

I believe Donald Trump can’t read.

Maybe “can’t” is too harsh a word. I think he struggles with multisyllabic words. This isn’t something I recently came up with when he was embarrassing the entire country in front of world leaders like he was taking an oral exam for a book he read on the way to class. I’ve known about his semiliteracy for years, but I think it’s time I outlined my well-researched list of reasons I believe this to be true.
1. He’s Racist

We can debate whether or not Donald Trump is a white supremacist, but we must admit that he’s at least a little bit racist, right? OK, now that you’ve agreed to that premise, you should know that “a little bit racist” is like your girlfriend telling you she’s “a little bit pregnant.”

Now, we can all agree that racism is stupid. It’s very rare that anyone meets an intelligent racist. Because I don’t want a bunch of “not all racists ... ” comments below this article, I will concede that there are probably a few smart white supremacists, but if you receive as much hate mail as I do, you will notice that they all possess a remarkable deficiency when it comes to reading and grammatical ability.
2. This:

3. His Unconstitutional Policies

When Trump signed the executive order for the travel ban, targeted Mexicans for deportation, banned transgender people from serving in the military or went to war against the press, many people thought he was going down the path of an authoritarian dictatorship, but there might be another reason:

Maybe he’s never read the Constitution.

To be fair, there are a lot of big words in the Constitution.Who the hell even knows what “domestic tranquility” even means? Maybe a genius or one of those math eggheads who can do long division, but not regular people like him. And why does the preamble mention “posterity”? Everyone likes a woman with a nice, round posterity, but does it belong in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States?

And what’s a preamble?
4. He’s Orange

That safety-vest-colored spray-tan shit he sprays himself down with probably has some Thalidomide or lead in it. I bet it does. That’s probably why Bert was a little slow on Sesame Street. It’s the toxins.
5. He Hates Teleprompters

Remember how Trump chided former President Barack Obama for reading from a teleprompter all the time? What if it had nothing to do with Obama’s lack of authenticity but was because Trump was jealous of Obama’s reading skills the whole time?

He probably went home thinking, “Look at that uppity Negro with his fancy-schmancy word machine, showing off by reading words as they move, acting all literate and shit. I hate him.”
6. He Said He Doesn’t Read

During the presidential campaign, Trump told the Washington Post that he doesn’t have time to read and he never has. This might explain the reason he thought Andrew Jackson could have prevented the Civil War even though Jackson died 15 years before the Civil War started and ...

Wait, what? Trump said that? No, there’s no way. I refuse to believe that people actually voted for him after he said ... hold on, let me go read the entire article.
Article preview thumbnail
Donald Trump doesn’t read much. Being president probably wouldn’t change that.

Presidents have different ways of preparing for decisions. Some read deeply; others like short…
Read on washingtonpost.​com

Sigh. Yeah, he said it.
7. His Tweets

Trump’s tweets have an amazing number of spelling errors for someone who made it past the fourth grade. He said Obama was trying to “tapp” his phones. He said China’s theft of naval secrets was “unpresidented.” He often confuses “too” and “to,” and said he was “honered” to serve as president.

Or maybe those were honest mistakes. Sometimes he wakes up too early and needs a cup of covfefe.
8. I Could Be Wrong

There is the infinitesimal possibility that I am wrong and Donald Trump can actually read. Which means he actually read the Constitution but chose to treat it with complete disregard. This means he insults world leaders just to insult them. This means he doesn’t care about the bills he passes or the executive orders he enacts and has no regard for the law of the land, Congress or the American people.

This would also mean that the man with the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world at his fingertips could reduce the entire planet to nothing but ashes, roaches and toupee hair, not because he didn’t read the instructions, but because he is an insane supervillain mad with power and has an out-of-control ego.

Damn, I kinda hope Donald Trump can’t read.

 I’m moving to Nambia.

Posted - January 8, 2018


  • 44736
    I have ADD and I couldn't finish reading it. John Rockefeller had dyslexia.
      January 8, 2018 12:30 PM MST

  • 46117
    So what?

      January 8, 2018 12:31 PM MST

  • 44736
    He, like trump, became a billionaire. Just saying.
      January 8, 2018 12:40 PM MST

  • 46117
    Oh that is just brilliant.

    Being a billionaire is not a crime.  Remember?  Just because a criminal managed to steal billions doesn't give everyone who made it legitimately and helped others in the process, criminals.   Trump made being rich a dirty word.

    If you cannot tell the difference, you are not the big brain I thought you were.

      January 8, 2018 12:42 PM MST

  • 13277
    What proof do you have that anyone stole their money? Maybe it's time we have a new question category called Sharonna's Corner.
      January 8, 2018 2:48 PM MST

  • What can you expect from a hateful and vindictive woman who loves a decrepit, hopelessly corrupt socialist crone called Hillary Clinton.
      January 9, 2018 1:42 PM MST

  • 2658
    Confusing to/ too...  Just the tip of an iceberg with this guy... This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at January 8, 2018 3:55 PM MST
      January 8, 2018 12:55 PM MST

  • 46117
    Maybe this will be the straw that breaks Randy's back as far as being impartial regarding Donald Trump.

    I think this may do it.  Sickening~ ain't it, Randy, wherever you are?

    Mis spell and a grammar error 2 boot

      January 8, 2018 2:07 PM MST

  • 2658
      January 8, 2018 4:37 PM MST

  • 22891
    i dont think so or he wouldnt have became president
      January 8, 2018 2:00 PM MST

  • 46117
    Okay.  You do have a good point, but people lose their abilities as they age.  He may have had skills before that are not that sharp now.  He may have been able to fool people before. He might have been someone who could read.   Then because it was easier NOT to take the time to read, he lost the ability to really pay attention to reading words and just has no focus any longer.  So, he can read, but he cannot concentrate, so it is really not working properly.

    He does not act like he knows what he is reading and he usually has an excuse not to read something, but that can maybe just be bad eyes.

    Thanks, Pearl.
      January 8, 2018 2:05 PM MST

  • 7280
    I would rank him, at his highest, as "Level 1."

    Interestingly enough, the same article says this:  Dramatically, however, according to the report, in all the countries and regions surveyed, at least one of every four adults fails to reach minimum literacy levels for coping with everyday life and work in advanced societies.

    (Another clue as to why he was elected and why by the minority.)
      January 8, 2018 2:21 PM MST

  • 6477
    Compromised? You are being way too generous!  Non-existent is a better word!  More fitting. The man is an imbecile.. a bully who got where he is by shafting others and by being a spoilt rich kid.. oh and a huge dollop of people who were even more stupid than he is...   The man is internationally a joke because of his stupid, illiterate rants and lies; his continually saying one thing and then contradicting himself.  He tars America and Americans with his every word.. Such a shame... but if people are willing to condone and excuse and overlook... 
      January 8, 2018 3:59 PM MST

  • We, meaning people in general, often think anyone who is articulate is also highly intelligent, and that the ability to use words well is the proof. But it's a mistaken assumption.
    There are seven main categories of intelligence. A person can have high or genius level ability in one or more of them, and yet be absolutely floundering in the others.

    Wiki says: Trump earned an economics degree from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
    That probably means that he learned at least some skills in quantitative methods, economic modelling, understanding statistics and the process of applying economics to policy issues and real-world problems.
    Pensylvania ranks eighth from top among US universities, but ranks between 2nd and 4th in economics and business. Clearly, Trump had an interest in making money from his earliest student years - and that would have inclined him naturally towards conservative and Republican policies. 
    When he left college he went straight to work in his parents' real estate business. He focused on building or renovating skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses, but he later developed sidelines in products. According to Forbes, since 2017, he ranks as the 544th richest person in the world, with about $3.5 billion.

    A successful businessman who was an old friend of my parents once said, "You don't have to be very bright to do well in business or politics. You just have to be very canny."
    Canny can mean psychic - but I knew the man well enough to know he would think that preposterous.
    I'm certain he meant wiley, having a gut feeling for trends and how to take advantage of them to create opportunities. That is a particular type of intelligence. Unfortunately, it doesn't often go hand in hand with ethics or compassion.

    So we could guess that Trump's intelligence is something like a fox's.
    He's hopelessly inarticulate, lacks emotional insight and empathy, and seems to have no ethics beyond his devotion to wealth - but he is powerful and dangerous.
    He could decimate all the chickens in the henhouse.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 9, 2018 11:50 AM MST
      January 8, 2018 7:17 PM MST