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Has there ever been any friendly fire incidents at schools where kids go berserk with guns. . ?

Has any students/teachers ,people on the campus been shot/killed by accident by either bullets passing through the assailant or from just missing their target... 

If these incidents happen almost weekly surly some must get shot by mistake...
Are all facts actually made public or suppressed so as not to create further unrest ? 

Posted - March 26, 2018


  • 6023
    Note quite sure what you're asking.
    Are you referring to when the police shoot at the criminal?

    I haven't heard of their "missed" shots hitting a bystander ... but it is probably only because most school walls are too thick for their handgun rounds to penetrate.

    I am aware of a couple instances in my local area, when police shot at someone and the "missed" rounds penetrated a home ... both times narrowly missing someone within the home.  The police never apologizes nor pays to repair the bullet damage to the residence.  >  This is part of why I believe most American police should not be allowed to carry firearms on a regular basis.
      March 26, 2018 1:12 PM MDT

  • 14795
    There have been armed bank robberies in London where the police had the Bank stacked out and when the robbery  happened the police just managed to shoot each other......

    I was thinking more of the school shootings by students.....with so many shooting incidents happening in the States ,so many with automatic weapons as well,I would think it's highly likely that more people could be hit by bullets fired by those trying to arrest the gunman......
    School classroom  partition walls are paper thin and bullets could easilly pass through people/walls injuring/killing those hiding behind them.......

    I also wonder about the majority of legal gun owners ........I would think almost all of them have never fired a gun at another person......How many could actually shoot and kill another person....
    To buy and own a gun is one point it at another and actually pull the trigger is another.......

    How many gun owners have killed animals or even had basic training to point and fire a gun safely...even at a target on a range.....

    How many gun accidents happen where guns are just left loaded and laying around.....I've read of so many incidents where even small children kill their siblings ,parents just from playing alone with loaded weapons......

    Why don't the police pay for damage done from firing  bullets  at people...... That seems wierd....
    I'm not sure what happens in England in cases like that......Police here don't take kindly to people asking for compensation....not even when they kill innocent's just forgotten... 
      March 26, 2018 1:57 PM MDT

  • 6023
    I suppose there must be schools where the interior walls are thin ... but all the schools I personally know of are old, and the interior walls are multiple layers of brick.  Or cement.

    I'm guessing in the school shootings, the shooter normally isn't surrounded by people standing when the police get there.  Let alone when they fire at the shooter.  So the chances of an errant round hitting an innocent is lower, than when police shoot in a residential neighborhood or store.
      March 26, 2018 3:44 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Most schools in England are not vast many are light weight buildings with just metal stud plasterboard walls...... "Drywall" 

    Our old schools were all tall and had huge thick brick walls 

    With the gun incidents on your streets ,there must be countless bystanders shot on America's street ....I would think that....but don't know ...
      March 26, 2018 5:41 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Most of the shootings on our streets are either the police shooting at someone ... which, I can't recall the last time a bystander was actually shot.  Or at least, it didn't make the news.

    Or gang-related shootings.  Where a gang member shoots into a group of rival gang members.  Or two gangs get into a gun battle.  Sometimes the news reports a bystander being shot, but not often.

    It's not that either incident involves good shooting - just luck and people not being crowded together.
      March 27, 2018 7:35 AM MDT

  • 14795
    We don't get to hear much of what happens in the States concerning gun related crimes or violence....
    I feel though that firing so many rounds of ammunition of in public places, surly some innocent people must get hit from shots fired from the criminals and also by the police....bullets do bounce or deflect of of any hard surface...:(
      March 27, 2018 7:42 AM MDT