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Is Martyred Priest's Bishop Correct About Islam?

Posted - August 8, 2016


  • 2758


      August 14, 2016 12:13 AM MDT

  • 2758

    The problem isn't that people cannot read or understand the Qur'an.  The problem is that they can.  The problem is that once they've done it, they're disgusted/repulsed.

      August 14, 2016 12:15 AM MDT

  • 2758

    Great.  You've managed to produce one OT example.  Now, how many would you like from the Qur'an?

    (BTW, when you're testing someone, it's generally not a good idea to include the answer in your text. :-))

      August 14, 2016 12:19 AM MDT

  • 1393

    I have more from the HB, but for now just produce one from the HQ to match it.

      August 14, 2016 4:22 AM MDT

  • 1393

    you're obviously not speaking for the nearly 1.8 Billion Muslims around the world. You're also not speaking for the likes of the guy in the video below whose hate of Muslims led him to repeatedly apply to join the army so that he could go to Afghanistan and kill as many Muslims as possible and even possibly get medals for doing so instead of prison sentences for murder.

      August 14, 2016 4:51 AM MDT

  • 2758

         "you're obviously not speaking for the nearly 1.8 Billion Muslims around the world."

    I never said or suggested that the pernicious ideology of Islam wasn't sufficient to enslave many people by way of stark terror. Clearly, anyone whose faith (let alone reason) is not solid could easily be swayed by such psychological filth.

         "You're also not speaking for the likes of the guy in the video below whose hate of Muslims led him to repeatedly apply to join the army so that he could go to Afghanistan and kill as many Muslims as possible..."

    You're right.  I'm not.  I am able to differentiate between the ism and the ones who've fallen victim to same.  I do not hate Muslims. I pity them in much the same way as I would pity the victims of any (other) form of psychological abuse.  That said, yes, I do indeed loathe the ism of Islam.

      August 14, 2016 1:21 PM MDT

  • 2758

    I know, I know.  All these are taken out of context...the Qur'an can't be truly understood in any language other than Arabic...that's not really what it says...I'm bad and wrong for cutting and pasting...yada, yada.  :-)

    And as for the monster-god 'allah's' supposed compassion:

    ...But as I've intoned so many times before:

    "Believe nothing I say about Islam. Believe nothing anyone else says about Islam. Read the Qur'an yourself and be duly repulsed."

    (Let any reader who is NOT an Islamic apologist note that it is not my interpretation of the Qur'an which matters.  The only interpretation which matters are those who use the Qur'an as the principal justification for their barbarity.)

      August 14, 2016 1:33 PM MDT

  • 1393

    1- Precisely! That's the difference. The 1.8 Billion Muslims around the world, of all languages and from all walks of life do not consider the HQ to be "psychological filth." If they did, they might have the sort of hatred that fills your mind.

    2- Apart from the choice of the word "victim" there is a glimmer of non-emotional rationality in "I am able to differentiate between the ism and the ones who've fallen victim to same." That implies that you are able to tell the difference between a library and the humans who go to do research there in [and walk out having fallen victim to the information in the library?]

    3- However, as soon as one gets to "I do not hate Muslims. I do indeed loathe the ism of Islam." one quickly realises that there is no independent critical thinking there. They're the same phrases that are repeated by all Muslim haters. It's like someone who says "I do not hate pizzas. I just loathe the ingredients that make up the pizzas."

    4-  "I pity them in much the same way as I would pity the victims of any (other) form of psychological abuse." That sums up what the overwhelmingly vast majority of Muslims think of those who harbour mindless hatred towards them.

    5- And btw don't distance yourself so much from clear thinking that you can't even see that whereas there is ism in the likes of atheism, communism and Hinduism, there is no ism in Islam. "I do indeed loathe the ism of Islam." 

      August 16, 2016 1:05 AM MDT

  • 2758

    1) Again, I do not 'hate' Muslims.  The very notion is absurd.  Suggesting I do is disingenuous.  What I 'hate' is an ideology. Muslims are victims OF that ideology. Here's hoping you understand the difference.

    2) Difference is, a library contains a broad range of information which may or may not be harmful to any given individual. The insidious ideology of Islam is antithetical to the survival of the human race. (Glad you finally see--at least for one paragraph--that I'm capable of differentiating between the vile ideology of Islam and those who have fallen VICTIM to it.)

    3) Incorrect: it is precisely BECAUSE of or, more appropriately, THROUGH my capacity to think critically/analytically that I have developed my loathing of the IDEOLOGY of Islam. (BTW, I 'hate' mushrooms.  They have no place in the human diet as far as I'm concerned--let alone on pizza. :-))

    4) AGAIN, you are conflating those of us who hate the ism with the comparative few who 'hate' the ones who've fallen victim to it.  I do not 'hate' Muslims nor do most of the people with whom I've broached the general topic.  What we 'hate' is the ideology.  In any case, those who presumably 'hate' either the ism or its victims do not do so 'mindlessly.'  There's a good REASON or REASONS for our 'hatred.'  Can you guess what it might be?

    5) The isms of atheism, communism and Hinduism aren't at issue here. Why? Because neither of those isms (with the possible exception of communism) seek to destroy, enslave and or torture dissidents.

      August 16, 2016 1:29 AM MDT

  • 1393

    You've taken the whole of the space provided for you to respond to MY points and have filled it up with evidence that you are too lazy to think for yourself. You don't have to copy and paste stuff from any of the many anti Muslim sites out there. I've not allocated my time here to talk to them. I'm here talking to YOU.

    I'm a student of the Bible and the HQ mainly, and if YOU have a specific major issue with Islam then I'd be interested to know your thinking on it and to discuss it with you. If you can't think for yourself then we can't engage in a thoughtful discussion and examination of issues. 

      August 16, 2016 1:48 AM MDT

  • 1393

    1- You say good intelligent things but instead of maintaining the momentum you almost immediately revert to thoughtless statements. “a library contains a broad range of information” is a good observation. It’s like all the sources of information out there. Our views are formed by what information we expose ourselves to from all that is out there and what we decide to choose.

    2- I enjoyed your “I 'hate' mushrooms.  They have no place in the human diet as far as I'm concerned--let alone on pizza.” It shows that you’re not devoid of a GSOH. But there again you’ve made another intelligent statement which you failed to follow through. Now, please don’t rush. Think of a pizza that has five ingredients in its topping, including mushrooms, and you equally hated the other four ingredients too. Would you seriously expect people to believe you if you said that you like that pizza? Well your claim that you like Muslims but you hate Islam has the same kind of sense and credibility to it. Just like that pizza is not that pizza without those ingredients a Muslim is not a Muslim without Islam.

    3- Let’s stay with mushrooms and find a way of analysing and dealing with your reaction to them. It’s similar to the reaction some people have to spiders, except that the emotion this time is fear. It has a name. It’s called arachnophobia, an irrational fear of spiders. It also has a cure. Important elements in it are realisations that spiders have their rightful place in the scheme of things, that the vast majority of spiders are totally harmless and that one does not have to like spiders to the extent of having them for dinner, but one must, by gradually reducing the distance one keeps between oneself and spiders and their habitat, gradually reduce one’s morbid fear or hatred of them.

    4- Your feeling towards Islam also has a name. It’s called Islamophobia, an irrational fear of Islam and Muslims. It also has a cure. Important elements in it are realisations that Islam and Muslims have their rightful place in the scheme of things, that the vast majority of Muslims are totally harmless and that one does not have to like Muslims to the extent of having them around for dinner, but one must, by gradually reducing the distance one keeps between oneself and Muslims and their mosques, gradually reduce one’s morbid fear or hatred of them.

      August 16, 2016 6:06 AM MDT

  • 1393

    1- "in all the Bible I'm aware of no passage which represents God as having commanded His followers to kill unbelievers" by Nimitz on August 9, 2016 at 4:09pm

    "I (God) remember that which Amalek did to Israel (four hundred years before) . . . Now go and smite Amalek and UTTERLY DESTROY ALL they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and WOMAN, INFANT and SUCKLING OX and sheep, camel and ass (the donkey) I SAMUEL 15:3

    2- comments like "This thing they call 'allah' is about as twisted a freak as they come!" speak volume about the maturity of their author. Almost everyone with elementary education will know that Allah is Arabic for God as such any book written in Arabic will have to use Allah if it wants to make reference to God. Wherever a Bible in English uses God the Arabic Bible will use Allah. What other word can it use?

      September 13, 2016 8:26 AM MDT

  • 2758

    1) God's command to destroy Amalek (assuming God ever issued such an order) was to destroy a very specific group of people, and in retaliation for a very specific affront. He did not issue an edict to destroy or enslave all unbelievers as the god-thing of Islam (or so sez the pervert prophet) has done.  Try again.

    2) I could not possibly care less about your appraisal of my maturity. My agenda is crystal clear: to inform and to warn people of the vile brutality and perversions of Islam.  Beyond that, if you choose to believe the bold-faced LIE (as promulgated by the plagiaristic pervert prophet of Islam) that the god of Islam and the God of the bible are the same, I can't fix that form of willful ignorance/delusion.  

    (For anyone else who may be interested in the true nature/origins of the Islamic 'god' allah, you can start on a journey of discovery by clicking here:

      September 13, 2016 1:26 PM MDT

  • 1393

    "My agenda is crystal clear: to inform and to warn people of the vile brutality and perversions of Islam."

    1- You're wasting your time with an agenda like that. Expressing hatred against Islam has never stopped people from embracing Islam. People went beyond just expressing hatred against Islam and Mohammed from the day he was the only Muslim. They persecuted him and his small group of followers for 13 years of his 23 year mission until he and his followers escaped to another city state. And even then they didn't leave Mohammed and the Muslims alone. They waged wars against them. Some of that hatred and the wars are recorded in the HQ itself. Despite all that Islam has grown from just one person to nearly 1.8 billion people today. Quite a few people become Muslims AFTER being exposed to hatred against Islam and Muslims. The guy in the video hated Muslims so much he wanted to kill as many as he could, but he wanted to do it legally. So he repeatedly tried to join the army and get posted to a Muslim country. 

    2- You see, anyone who blindly believes what you post against Islam, or what I post in favour of it, without checking it up for themselves, from reliable sources, and with an open mind, is not really worthy of the noble religion of Islam. HQ 49:6 warns, "O you who have believed! If any iniquitous person comes to you with [slanderous] information [first check it out and] clarify it, lest you hurt people unwittingly and afterwards be filled with remorse for what you have done."

    3- btw your wikipedia link is to a page about Al-Lat, not Allah. Anyone wanting to know what wikipedia has to say about Allah is better off going to This says, “Allah …. is the Arabic word referring to God in Abrahamic religions…..The word Allah has been used by Arabs of different religions since pre-Islamic times. More specifically, it has been used as a term to refer to God by Muslims (both Arab and non-Arab) and Arab Christians. It is now mainly used by Muslims and Arab Christians to refer to God”

      September 14, 2016 8:55 PM MDT

  • 2758

    Just so you know:

    1) I do not hate Muslims. For the most part I truly pity them. Anyone who believes in a sadistic god is worthy of pity.

    2) I have no desire to "turn people away" from Islam.

    3) My solitary goal is to warn people ABOUT Islam and let them decide for themselves.

    And as I've said now on occasions too numerous to count:

    4) Believe nothing I say about Islam.  Believe nothing which anyone else says about Islam. READ THE QU'RAN YOURSELF and be duly repulsed.

      September 14, 2016 10:59 PM MDT

  • 1393


    1- The last point in your last post, which I think you have repeated elsewhere, is a copy and paste from an Islamic hate site. However, I make almost the same appeal to people, as you will have seen from paragraph 2 of my last post [copied below for convenience]. A truly open minded person wanting to get to the facts wouldn't turn to an anti-Islam site for explanation of any strange verse in the HQ. Any sensible person would question Muslims about it and see what THEY make of the verse or passage.

    2- You see, anyone who blindly believes what you post against Islam, or what I post in favour of it, without checking it up for themselves, from reliable sources, and with an open mind, is not really worthy of the noble religion of Islam. HQ 49:6 warns, "O you who have believed! If any iniquitous person comes to you with [slanderous] information [first check it out and] clarify it, lest you hurt people unwittingly and afterwards be filled with remorse for what you have done."

      September 16, 2016 3:21 AM MDT

  • 2758

    I am not interested in your opinion of an Islamic 'hate' site, and I am not in the least measure intimidated by your passive aggressive appraisal of my open-mindedness.

    EITHER the passages of (Qur'anic) scripture found ON that site are correct OR they are not.  Do you contend they are not accurate?  If so, in what specific ways are they inaccurate?  If you do not contend they are inaccurate, then would you kindly explain how anyone could be expected to 'worship' such a freak as described BY that scripture?

    Note, please, that your continued attempts at evasion/obfuscation are wasted on me.  I will REPEAT these questions OVER and OVER AGAIN until you answer them or cease engaging me in discourse.

    1) Why should anyone render any credibility or fidelity to the words of a 'man' who has (or had) sex with a six year old girl, and

    2) How could anyone be expected to 'worship' an entity which delights, PERSONALLY, in torturing the souls of unbelievers for eternity (going so far as to force feed them from a tree which makes their intestines explode, give them boiling, fetid water to drink, and furnishes them with new skins so as to torture them more)?

      September 16, 2016 1:45 PM MDT

  • 1393


    You know what this has become like? It's not an intelligent discussion anymore. It's become like a person who has made himself deaf, asking the same question over and over again and not hearing a single word of response.

    It's a waste of time.

    Have a nice day

      September 16, 2016 4:29 PM MDT

  • 2758

    You're right, Clurt.  This is a waste of time. You will not respond to my repeated inquiries, and as long as you converse with me I will not release you from the obligation of doing so.

    1) Why should anyone render any credibility or fidelity to the words of a 'man' who has (or had) sex with a six year old girl, and

    2) How could anyone be expected to 'worship' an entity which delights, PERSONALLY, in torturing the souls of unbelievers for eternity (going so far as to force feed them from a tree which makes their intestines explode, give them boiling, fetid water to drink, and furnishes them with new skins so as to torture them more)?

    You have a nice day, too, sir.  I mean that sincerely.

      September 17, 2016 2:24 AM MDT