I'm not muscular and I'm not much of a looker, thus I've never done much to show off my physique, especially with shirts. I just wear whatever I like. I've worn tank-tops before, but it always feels weird and it's rare that I'll wear one; they show too much. I do have one Abercrombie & Fitch shirt that says "muscle fit", but I didn't know that when I bought it. If I don't have much in the muscle department, a special shirt won't make up for it.
Now I do wear skinny jeans, and part of the reason is I like the way my legs and butt look in them. I don't know if anyone else is looking, though
I am very slim, my waist is only 26, and my chest is only 29 so I don't have a physique as such. However, when I am going out Iwear one of my slim fit shirt, jeans and trainers.