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Do you think modern times just as exciting discovering new things about the universe as hundreds years ago explorers discovering new lands?

Modern news headline: scientists determine there are about two trillion galaxies in the universe!

Ancient news headline: Columbus discovers America!

Posted - June 6, 2018


  • 1525
    Hehe, today's discoveries sure are more distant conceptually as well; tougher to get a feel for. Sometimes I imagine what it may have been like to come across, say, a whale, condor, elephant or panther for those who had never heard of them before.

    We'll have something to brag about as soon as the aliens contact us, though.
      June 6, 2018 11:17 AM MDT

  • 17015
    "Columbus 'discovers' a place that has already been discovered by Leif Erikson and St Brendan (and by Native Americans thousands of years before that), bringing a disease that wipes out 70-90% of the local population."
      June 6, 2018 4:26 PM MDT

  • 44736
    Now THIS is ancient.

      June 6, 2018 5:47 PM MDT

  • 11332
    Yes I do and now that private companies are in the space race I`m really excited because it increases the chances of new discoveries. Cheers!  
      June 6, 2018 6:15 PM MDT

  • 3523
    The possibilities in technology is pretty exciting but I think "The Age of Discovery" was more exciting.  In 1973 after taking a course in computer programming, I decided to pursue a career in the natural sciences instead because there is so much more to discover about the cell, life in oceans, genetics.  My ideal job would have been to explore and map the sea floor for natural resources.
      June 6, 2018 9:23 PM MDT