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What motivates women to become muscular?

It doesn’t look nice to me

Posted - June 8, 2018


  • 14795
    Puny'tive men with Wand'ering hands.....:(  
      June 8, 2018 5:13 PM MDT

  • 7280
    That's muscular?

    Kirsty Gallacher---photo shoot:
      June 8, 2018 7:05 PM MDT

  • 177
    She was on tv last night. She looks like she’s on steroids now. Her shoulders are massive
      June 9, 2018 2:30 AM MDT

  • There is no accounting for tastes, and there's no one ideal for what is the most attractive.

    The woman in your pic is not especially muscled - she's just how a woman of her age looks when fit and healthy. Though I suspect the bazookas -- because when really fit, the boobs tend to be a lot smaller and not such a peachy shape. There is a point at which too much fitness causes the ovaries to stop producing estrogen, periods cease and the woman becomes infertile. But she's nowhere near that level of lean.

    Two-thirds of Westerners are medically overweight - and this distorts everyone's idea of what's "normal."

    What motivates - well it varies.
    It could be that that's the kind of body her boyfriend likes.
    Or she wants to attract a muscular man. 
    Body-builder men tend to love their women to be super strong and fit.

    If you want to see really muscled women, look at the photos of female competitive body-builders, or marathon runners, or shot-put champions, or swimmers. But even these are not extreme unless they use steroids and/or hormones.

    Women have lots of other reasons too.
    Some just love the feeling of well-being that comes with fitness.
    It prevents depression
    and makes it far easier to handle emotional stress in the workplace and elsewhere.

    It makes some women feel better able to defend themselves.
    You'll find them in martial arts classes.
    They usually have very good reason to be there.

    Some women are dancers or athletes and their bodies are the natural result of their work.

    Females-to-males-in-transition take testosterone. They report all kinds of positive side-effects: increased libido, confidence, physical strength and energy, and ability to initiate in business, arts, relationships - everything. They feel happier and more alive.

    The female body-builders who cheat by taking testosterone are very likely addicted to those wonderful side effects. (How they get away with it, I don't know.)

    Males-to-females-in-transition take estrogen. They feel happier because of becoming what they want to be, but they lose confidence, initiative, libido, strength, and energy to a dramatic degree, and it shocks them.

    The Mayo Clinic gives the following stats for testosterone:
    Avg. adult male 270-1,070 nanograms per deciliter;
    Avg. adult female 15-70 ng/Dl.

    After 30 years old, both men's and women's testosterone drops by 1% per year.
    Think about the implications.

    Note how low women are in testosterone compared to men.
    This explains some of the conflicts we experience as a result of those differences.

    Now it happens that 1% of women inherit (from the mother) a higher natural percentage, with the highest recorded being 6-7 times that of normal women. These women tend to love sport and quickly get to world level, representing up to 10% of those who compete at the Olympic level. There is debate at this level about whether the competition should be segregated to allow like to compete with like.

    So there're several different motivations, and there could easily be more.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 9, 2018 4:29 AM MDT
      June 8, 2018 8:47 PM MDT

  • 177
    After I wrote this last night a did a little research about her and she’s recently divorced. I believe a lot of women make themselves muscular because they know it’s not attractive to men. They don’t want men lusting after them, they want men to be intimidated by them instead. 

    I know how powerful testosterone is, I used it a couple of years ago when I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I felt like a new man. I’ve never felt so good in my life. I stopped smoking cannabis. I was out running everyday. I found a new job, My sex drive went through the roof, I put on two stone of muscle in three months, and I could sense that women were more attracted to me. My doctor said it’s very dangerous though so I stopped. My friend who started at the same time is still doing it now and he hasn’t suffered any health problems, so I don’t know if it’s as dangerous as the doctor warned. I wish I could produce that much testosterone naturally. 

    Lots of men use testosterone to become more masculine but I never hear of women using estrogen to become more feminine. Dont women want to be feminine in the same way that men want to be masculine? It’s like theres a trend going on where women see femininity as weakness This post was edited by Gypsyking at June 9, 2018 3:02 AM MDT
      June 9, 2018 2:46 AM MDT

  • Gosh. Hmm.

    I think it's possible that some women might aim for muscles to make themselves less attractive - but I think it's probably not common.
    Over-eating is far more common - I've seen that a lot in rape and childhood abuse victims. But that's no grounds for making assumptions either.

    Truth is, judging the contents by the packaging leads to lots of errors.
    Better to just get to know a person and find out.

    Building muscles is hard, long-term work, and extremely expensive if you've got to buy equipment or join a gym.

    Far easier to wear shoddy, dull, baggy clothing. At least that can be whipped off at short notice if the right guy turns up.

    But actually, contrary to men's expectations, women don't necessarily dress to attract or repel men. It may depend on the situation -- work v social life or shopping or chores -- what they're doing and who they expect to meet. 

    Mature women will tend to dress in the way that expresses something of their personality, is comfortable, and suits the occasion and the weather. And mature women who care about themselves will care enough to keep fit and healthy for long life, not for someone else's opinions of them.

    Also good to bear in mind that women do not necessarily wish to be attractive to all men. is a UK based online medical advice practice. It conducted a survey of women who had had casual sex. 66% said they had tried it, and of those, 81% said they did not enjoy it and would not do it again.
    Single women are unlikely to dress (or shape their bodies) a certain way simply because they're single and do or don't want to bump into Mr Right. The chances of meeting him by accident are statistically about the same as winning Lotto. Casual meetings are unlikely to lead to long-term deep connections, which is what most women want.

    Attractive women get a very hard time in some parts of the world - and they can't help that nature endowed them so perfectly that they look like angels in sackcloth. They long to be left alone to live in peace. They long for the right man to care about who she is more than how she looks. They'll hang out where it's possible to get to know the right kinds of guys over an extended period of time. She wants to win the true lover, not the user or player.

    When she meets that fella, then she'll make the extra effort to look her best.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 9, 2018 5:20 AM MDT
      June 9, 2018 5:11 AM MDT