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Why aren't certain folks *stopped from breeding (poor overpopulated regions)? Won't this create an imbalance in ethnic/ racial proportions?

*encouraged and educated

This question is asked for the sakes of poor, neglected, abused children everywhere. Primarily those born into poverty and congested towns / regions which may or may not be in the middle of war.

Posted - June 27, 2016


  • 49

    You mean you really don't know the answer to this? Heil Hitler!

      June 27, 2016 8:41 AM MDT
  • D&D


    Are you sure what Hitler did is worse than the current rates of the malnourished, neglected and abused rates of children? Of humans?

    The difference seem to be there are now millions more people who can be held responsible. Before, you'd blame everything on Hitler.

      June 27, 2016 8:51 AM MDT

  • born into poverty and congested towns / regions 

    Don't even go there.

    Poverty is caused by ignorance, lack of education, and income inequality.  

    The solution is NOT to control "human breeding" like cattle

      June 27, 2016 9:01 AM MDT

  • 49

    So only poor people abuse, malnourish and neglect children? Really? You need to get your facts straight. And to support ANY action Hitler took...truly sickening.

      June 27, 2016 9:07 AM MDT

  • 34963
    That was the very reason Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood. And the reason most Planned Parenthood clinics are in poor regions.
      June 27, 2016 9:09 AM MDT

  • 2500

    Ah! A fan of Margret Sanger, the Eugenics program and social engineering in general. Maybe we should include certain ethnic groups like, maybe, the Jews? Sieg heil for YOUR standards of social engineering !

      June 27, 2016 9:20 AM MDT

  • 503

    I guess you'd like to see forced sterilization make a comeback !     Poor blacks in the South suffered this atrocity at the hands of the State up until the 1950s..

      June 27, 2016 9:25 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Yeah.  Sterilize them.  Too bad we didn't start with your parents.

      June 27, 2016 9:26 AM MDT

  • 2658

    Whatcha Say..

      June 27, 2016 9:46 AM MDT

  • 676

    Ask the Duggars

      June 27, 2016 11:09 AM MDT
  • D&D


    I wish I was never born in a world where no one cares enough to prevent atrocities I have mentioned. Poverty and desperation, abuse and neglect.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer — Silence in the face of evil is itself evil

      June 27, 2016 11:20 AM MDT
  • D&D


    People breeding people like it's nothing, nothing caring an ounce what happens to their children. Am I wrong to want to prevent more evil like that? Man are evil because we know and yet we do unlike cattle presumably. At what depths of conscience and awareness is this uncontrolled procreation okay?

    What is your solution if encouraging safe and responsible sex is not good enough?

      June 27, 2016 11:24 AM MDT
  • D&D


    That's not what I said. Do you not understand the gravity of the situation even today? Or do you not care about those pitiful people who all they did was born into poverty with little to no chance of escape because of their parents and the society and the world? Your viewpoints can be translated into what we see today and Hitler's viewpoint can be translated to what we see during his time. Neither which are okay.

      June 27, 2016 11:28 AM MDT

  • I made my opinion crystal clear..

    Lack of education, ignorance, and Income iequality contribute to poverty.

    Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

      June 27, 2016 12:40 PM MDT

  • 3934

    The hidden assumption in your thesis is that ONLY lives of a certain minimum socioeconomic status are worth living.

    I suspect many people who fall below whatever SES demarcation you believe should result in the forced sterilizations would disagree with your premise.

      June 27, 2016 12:58 PM MDT

  • @Semper... yeah Hitler is really thrown around today. What I find truly sickening is people who throw his name so loosely the name literally means nothing anymore. 

    Population control doesn't always mean genocide. There is times in history where major leaders have used the two. In reality though they don't actually co-exist with one another just that bad people have used them for those purposes, there is no unwritten law and technically everything in life has been used for bad purposes so does this mean everything is Hitler? Oh noes... it's a big conspiracy :)

    To be honest though I don't really know of a solution to really bring that down. There's got to be something but it would take people admitting responsibility before that happens and they'd rather have people die than admit there's a problem.

      June 27, 2016 4:29 PM MDT

  • 22891

    cause noone can stop them, they will breed anyways

      June 27, 2016 7:37 PM MDT
  • D&D


    My stance in reproduction is not pro-life or pro-choice. It's more the best outcome.

      June 28, 2016 1:48 AM MDT
  • D&D


    What I'm saying is that the extreme levels of life brutality based on poverty should not be. To prevent more such things, the idea of restraining procreation because of your own greed is a good thing.

    You can say that people are equal and human life is sacred but that's not what I see. To breed with no concerns only adds to the inequality and the exploitation of the poor. Would you say that is fair? I don't think it's fair to the children who are/were born into such circumstances because it is in my humble opinion trivialising their entire existence.

    It's not for me. It's for all the preventable tragedies because of economics and society. I don't think it's right the way things are.

    Human life should not be so cheap.

      June 28, 2016 1:57 AM MDT

  • 49

    Gee Semper... I think you have ALL the answers, Why not play God?

      June 28, 2016 6:51 AM MDT

  • 49

    Apparently you have FORGOTTEN,, unicorn, that Hitler was a big fan of eugenics. I don't "throw the name of Hitler around" but when the shoe fits...well...

    His "name means nothing anymore?" WTF does that mean? 

    Now, run along and go to talk to your friend here about how to sterilize people for being poor...

      June 28, 2016 6:55 AM MDT

  • 49

    And let me guess Semper...YOU feel qualified to play God?

      June 28, 2016 6:56 AM MDT

  • 49

    BINGO Old School!

      June 28, 2016 6:57 AM MDT

  • What? It's one of the other...Which?

      June 28, 2016 10:25 AM MDT