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Do you ever run into people that you went to highschool with? How do you react?

I have to go to an event and I just know that some of the parents there will be my old classmates from highschool.
I haven't been around these people in a long time.
I feel like I should dress my best, cut my hair and then act like I'm so happy to see them, but we really haven't kept in touch.
I've seen them on Facebook, but we just aren't the same people anymore at all.
In reality, I'm not one to live in the past anymore and I'd rather just stare at my phone than sit around comparing who makes more money and talking about old parties.
I don't hate them, I'm just so ready to move on and it feels awkward to be in those situations now.
Do you ever run into old classmates and how do you react?
Do you miss highschool?

Posted - June 19, 2018


  • 666
    Wow, that's rude!!
    That's part of why I don't like reunions either.
    A few people are happy to see me, but some are jealous for whatever reason.
    I had my child with me at my ten year reunion and he was just an infant at the time.
    A man who used to be kind if a bully stood up and said "Hey, you sure like to show off with that kid."
    I wasn't sure what he meant.
    I was just standing there holding my son as he slept.
    So yeah, people can be rude at those things.
    Thanks for sharing your experience.

      June 20, 2018 5:33 AM MDT

  • 17094
    Even though I live almost a thousand miles from where I grew up, I've kept in touch with most my friends from school - including an old gf (my wife is friends with her too so it's all good). Via the "Class of 87" page on Facebook, I've got back in touch with several more.
      June 20, 2018 5:12 AM MDT

  • 666
    That's great!!
    Sounds like you had a good experience in school and you've made the effort to grow those relationships.
    I know two guys that I went to school with.
    They don't ever go to the reunions though.
    I've seen them online, but we're just on different paths in life right now and we don't have daily things in common anymore.
    It's a little sad, but people change.
    I'm glad it worked out better for you.
    It must be nice to still have those friendships that have lasted over the course of many years.

      June 20, 2018 5:45 AM MDT

  • 44768
    Other than a couple of reunions, which were actually quite pleasant, I have only run into about ten of my classmates. They were brief, but pleasant meetings and we would chat for a few.
      June 20, 2018 7:23 AM MDT

  • 53705

      No, I never run into people with whom I attended high school (and I'm glad that I don't).
      High school was decades ago, I moved several states away within a few weeks after it finished.
      I was in Marine Corps boot camp three months later, and about a week before I graduated from there, (it was a 91-course then), a newly-arrived recruit passed me in the chowhall as my platoon was leaving and his platoon was arriving. He recognized me and called out my name, he was a former classmate from high school. We weren't allowed to speak with each other, so I only saw him for that quick second. The coincidence is that about a year later when I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, I was getting off of a bus and passed a line of other Marines waiting to board it, one of those Marines was Jeffrey, that same former classmate. We both expressed surprise at seeing each other, but once again did not have a chance to talk because we were both in a hurry. We never saw each other again.
      I have lived in several different US states since then, and in several foreign countries, never having returned to live in my birthplace/hometown. Even when I've gone back there on vacation, I've never run into other former classmates. 
      June 20, 2018 7:43 AM MDT