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IMPORTANT QUESTION ABOUT DATING SITES!!! See below for further details.

Plenty of fish has been notifying me via email that people would like to meet me.
You have to subscribe to the "Meet me feature" in order to see or communicate with these people.
I don't want to pay them anything.
I wonder if those women are even real?
Did you ever pay to become an upgraded member of plenty of fish?
Were the people who wanted to meet you real?

Posted - June 26, 2018


  • 6477
    Hiya, thanks for replying - i really didn't say that people on paid sites aren't pervs.. lol but what does remain true is that logically if they are paying a monthly fee to be there, they tend to be less along that spectrum as the pervs tend to go for the freebies. Paid sites tend to be where someone is more committed to finding a relationship..  I was mostly on free sites.. but yes, I definitely noticed a big difference when I joined a paid site.. Actually if I had my time again I'd go for the more expensive paid site as a mid-way paid site tends to have its toe in both camps so to speak.. better than a freebie but could be better. 

    It really isn't about money... it's about commitment.

    Re hookups, I was postulating and sharing what men have told me.. that most if not all of the women seeming to offer free rides, tend to be shall we say professional ladies. I wasn't casting any kind of judgement on women who are happy to offer free rides, I'd be the last person to do that as we in the UK are more open about sex and being now a non-religious domininated country - we don't have the stigma about women who are sexual.. 

    However, it is also true that women really, really, really don't need to *advertise* or look for sex because as I say the average woman gets 50 or so messages a day, every day..  Any ladies giving it away really aren't going to be looking for it.. they just have to choose from a never ending list of applicants - and they are going to be very, very busy ladies.  I understand that such ladies get very, very choosy, which is why men complain that even those who say that are offering it, actually don't seem to be coming through for most of the men hoping to receive such.. 

    I do totally agree those sites damage men as well as women.. women can encounter men who just want to take advantage and get something for nothing, which can make women feel very anti men, they can forget that most men are nice, honest, decent and quite frankly I think the *attention* with men seemingly falling over themselves...  perhaps that's when they get demanding? Not saying it's right because ultimately they are just going to attract men who can *buy* them.. which they will probably regret in the long run... 

    It doesn't work for men either... which has always puzzled me as knowing most women really want a relationship or at least a deep emotional connection - it should be easy for men. But I Know it isn't.. I literally chatted to thousands and thousands of men online from dating sites.. they tell me that with the atmosphere of seeming on tap fun.. they find they are disappointed when they find thhat although it's theoretically available .. in reality they don't seem to be getting it.. that's enormously frustrating.. and it can indeed turn them into hating and being angry with women..  And it;s hard too knowing how fussy women get, how much they expect, knowing women have 50 or more men messaging them a day while most men struggle to get 10 a week. 

    I think we are on the same side here.. I am somewhat a sexologist - I study men, women and their attitudes and motivations regarding sex and relationships.. So i was just sharing some perspective - making no judgement.. if you knew me you would know I am the last person to judge on that front as I have definitely not lead an innocent life either. 
      June 30, 2018 3:50 PM MDT

  • 666
    I still think you have this idea that people who pay are gonna be better human beings.
    Maybe the way the site is set up makes them look like it, but wait until you meet them in person.
    I guarantee you, people are people.
    There are many rich men out there who appear wonderful online, but are pieces of sh_t in reality.
    Good luck with the "You get what you pay for" mentality.
    It doesn't apply to human beings.
    You can't tell the person's heart or character by their bank account, clothes, assets or which dating site they happen to be on.
    Personally I think you're underestimating how many women use online dating apps to hook up.
    The rate of sexually transmitted diseases has gone through the roof in the province that I live in because of Tinder and other dating sites.
    It takes two to tango is all I'm saying.
    You seem to love the idea that all women want a deep connection and relationship.
    Most men are pigs too right?
    Well, in my life I've seen a lot more grey area.
    I've had female friends who cheat and sleep around and will even admit that they shouldn't be in a relationship because of it.
    I've also known guys who are loyal and want nothing more than to find a partner in life.
    I think it's dangerous to keep pushing this idea that most women just want love or most men are pervs (except for the ones on pay sites, of course) because not everything fits into perfect categories in real life.
    That's why I get frustrated when I hear you talk like that.
    I do think that you're a nice person, just maybe a little biased in your thinking sometimes.
    I'm a man, I want a real connection and I've been propositioned by women for sex online.
    Married women who want to meet, it has happened.
    I just don't like when people pretend that it doesn't.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 30, 2018 4:21 PM MDT
      June 30, 2018 4:18 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i would just try it and see
      June 28, 2018 3:56 PM MDT