They were impotent inept and couldn't repeal and replace the Affordable Health Care Act thought they had 7 years to do so and PROMISED it would be bigger better cheaper medical insurance coverage. They failed miserably abysmally completely! So they are trying every which way to get rid of it by a drip drip drip drip. Be a man King don. Set up your firing squads everywhere there are folks who need health care. Have the graves already dug. Once dead they just drop right in automatically. Very efficient of you to think of it. You get rid of the folks you despise and the safety net you despise! Just think how much mileage that will buy you at your rallies of the adoring faithful. How much you can brag about how you saved billions of bucks. But don't tell them how you plan to FUNNEL those billions into the pockets of your obscenely wealthy oligarch billionaire buddies setting aside ample billions for you and your family of course. You have such a big heart. It literally must be bursting out of your chest with pride. Keep it up. You are destined for greatness.