Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are ALL New Yorkers as PUSHY as trump? He pushes others aside to get in front all the time. He is a ROAD HOG. Does he even drive?

Are ALL New Yorkers as PUSHY as trump? He pushes others aside to get in front all the time. He is a ROAD HOG. Does he even drive?

ROAD HOGS are oblivious to anyone else on the road. Only they matter. Only they count. Obliviously unaware of others they race ahead, cut in and out of traffic, cause accidents with their obtuse unawareness. News hog. Microphone hog. Camera hog. Hogs hog. Selfish. Perfect prez qualities.

Posted - July 12, 2018


  • 6477
    I cannot imagine he has the savvy and where-with-all to be able to drive a car... It's just as well he is rich and has someone to drive him 
      July 12, 2018 12:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I can't either. Most normal guys prize their cars. I don't see him prizing anything but himself. Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Friday to thee! :)
      July 13, 2018 2:17 AM MDT

  • 11428
    I'm sure  that all New Yorkers aren't  as pushy as  Trump.  If you did something like that in any city you could  be setting your self up for a punch in the head but Trump doesn't have to worry about that. I have seen Trump do that before but this time it seemed more aggressive - after he pushed the guy he snarled something - like to hear what it was.  Both times he did it he got to the front of the line he stood there with a smug look on his face. There is that saying see something say something and I hope World leaders start saying - hey I seen that and it was pretty rude. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at July 13, 2018 2:17 AM MDT
      July 12, 2018 2:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    When trump reached out to shake Theresa May's hand she very smoothly redirected that hand to someone else. It was very well done.  I don't think trump knew how foolish she made him look. Not hard to do. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Friday! :)
      July 13, 2018 2:18 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I think most of the rest of the world sees him as ignorant and lacking any decency or manners
      July 13, 2018 12:04 PM MDT